Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Let It snow let it snow let it snow!

I guess I don't need to sing that anymore. Friday evening the snow show began. I left work and the roads were already starting to get crazy. When I got home, Steve and I left home immediately to get some fish from Hawkes. Stopped by Dad's to see if he wanted something because I could not get him on the phone. It was off the hook because he fell asleep with it in his hand after I talked to him on the way home. I called his cell phone NINE TIMES and he did not hear it. Some how he turns the volume down on his phone. I told him he has two phones and I still can't get him when I want him. Anyway, we went to Family Dollar and then picked up the fish order I called in . Daddy got the BBQ sandwich. We went back to house and ate. He said the BBQ sandwich was not as good as mine. We watched TV after we ate and then we decided to head out because the roads were getting bad. Steve stopped at 711, we got home, kicked our feet up and were about to watch a movie I had from Netflix and Daddy called said his furnace was acting up. We thought it might have been the fuse, but because Dad did not have any to try, we took some over there we had. And let me tell you, the roads were no joke by then. Tried the fuse and that did not do it. Daddy called the heating/AC guy and left a message. We went back home because we did not know how long before the guy would be there and things were getting rough outside. Daddy had a couple of heaters so we knew he would not be cold until he got there. Well the guy came and said it was the fan motor and he could not get the part until Monday. MONDAY!!! It was cold outside and I tried to convince Daddy to come over and stay with us but it was a no go. He told me he would put his thermal suit on, shut the doors off from the rest of the house and he would be fine. We got back home and watched PayCheck with Ben Afleck. It was a pretty good movie.

Saturday morning....there was a blanket of snow on the ground. Had to push the snow away from the front door. Got up and stripped the beds and put clean sheets on all the beds hoping to get Daddy to stay over. Steve went out to shovel the snow. After I finished cleaning up, we went to the Post Office and then to Wal-Mart. It was still snowing out. I bought food for Sunday dinner and the fixings for Philly Steak and Cheese. We went to Dad's and watched TV and ate Kit Kat bars. I did not have to worry about putting my perishables in the fridge. It was a fridge outside. I fixed Philly Steak and cheese sandwiches for us around four and we ate those. Watched TV until it got dusk and then we headed home without Daddy. He refuse to leave the nest. It was not cold in the house but it was not hot either. His back rooms were like a ice box when you went back there. He had a heater in the bathroom. We got home and watched TV. There was a message from church saying there was no services Sunday. Went to bed.

Woke up Sunday morning, the sun has come out, but nothing is melting that fast. Made breakfast, waffle, eggs and link sausages. Bought some of the Banquet frozen link sausages that are 98 cents a box of ten. They were really good. We watched TV and later I sewed a bell ornament with Kennedy's name on it. All the kids, Steve and I have felt bell shaped ornaments with our names on it. Steve, Daynon, Stevie and I have had ours since the kids went to Maude Trevett and we bought them at a Christmas Bazaar. Then I made one for Marcia, Jason and Linda and Lynette when they became a part of the family. The kids think I am goofy, but I have a very sentimental attachment to those little felt bells. They will probably throw them in the trash can when I am dead and gone. Anyway, Steve needed some boots to work in because of the snow, so we went to Kmart because he like there boots. He found a pair in his size. We looked around in the store and then went to Dad's. Stayed over there watching TV and left around eight or so. Came home and watched TV and went to bed.

Now it is Monday. Made it safely to work today...thank you Lord....and so did Steve and the rest of the Smith family. You can not take it for granted. Each day is a gift. So when someone give you a gift...what do you say? Thank You! And speaking of gifts, Steve and I went to the mall I bought some gifts. I am just starting ya'll. Picked up a few things, need to go out at lunch time tomorrow and pick up a few things. Will probably shop on Christmas Eve. Wrapped all the gifts I had so now the tree does not look so bare. He would be full of gifts like it usually is because things are a little tight this year.

OK in my Thursday post, I asked for your best Christmas memory. I got one response from Daynon who left a lovely comment. Would love to hear yours. Click on comment and leave your memory.

Love you all and there is nothing you can do about it! Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you can put that on Daynon, but don't put that on me. It was originally MY idea, that the bells should be put on by us as a family and don't try to take credit for that!!!


Thank you for your comments. Have a blessed day.