Sunday, January 24, 2010

A week in reeview

Last Saturday, we did not go to Daynon and Lynette's. Unfortunately, they got a call Saturday morning that Lynette's Maternal grandmother died. She had been sick for a while. I believe she was about 82. Not sure. No matter the age, it is hard to lose a family member. They are a part of your legacy, a part of who you are and who you will be.

Steve and I weighed in, Steve lost four pounds and I only lost two. Some is better than none. My current weight was 224.6 and Steve's was 211.6. Slow and sure wins the race, so they say. We need to get a exercise plan going.

So our plans were disrupted for Saturday, so Jason, Steve and I watched TV and went to Wal-Mart and then to ARBY's later that evening for dinner. I have gotten stuck on the rotisserie chicken they have. And the zucchini bread....oh my is soooooooooooo good. And I love the spiced apples. Steve always get the sweet corn and broccoli. He loves broccoli....ugh! We went over Dad's and played domonies and then came home. Jason was tired and went to bed before I told him to. Steve and I went soon after.

The three of us went to church, Pastor Thompson preached a good sermon as always. We went to Wal-mart and picked up some groceries. Came home and cooked dinner. One of my choir members was having an initial sermon at church at 3 so Jason called his Grandmother to pick him up. She came after I left. Ruth Frazier did a wonderful job on her initial sermon. They had dinner afterwards in the Multipurpose Building. I ate some ham and a roll and socialized with my Aunt Margo and her friend Becky and some of the others who were at our table. We are so blessed to have the new building. It is so beautiful and spacious. Stayed for a little while and then went home. Steve and I went over Dad's and watched TV. Watched the Golden Globes. I was so proud of Monique' for winning her award. They said she deserved it for the part she played in Precious. I have to see that movie. We went home and watched Desperate Housewives, the rest of the Golden Globes and then went to bed.

On Monday, I had my first visit with my Primary Dr since I lost my job. Thank God for insurance. Went to work at 7am and left around 9:30 for my 10:00am appointment. Dr. Nicholson's office have new computer systems in the exam rooms so we had to go thru all my records and enter the info. I did not realize I have so many things going on with me until she start saying them out loud...God is good cause I still keep pressing. I have diverticulitis, arthritis in the back, a fatty liver and now she thinks my thyroid is enlarged, so I have to get a ultrasound test on Friday. But my blood pressure was good....Yeah.

Tuesday nothing exciting. Went to work. Went to Dad's watched American Idol, went home.

Wednesday, went to work, went to Bible study, Dad's then home.

Thursday, went to work, went to choir rehearsal, went to Dad's and then home.

Friday, went to work, stopped at Arby's and picked up dinner. Went home, ate, dropped Steve at Dad's and then went to my monthly PO KENO game. Did not have much luck but I did not lose all my nickels, but had fun as always. We always have food their, but I ate before I went so I would not eat the wrong things, so I ate only some grapes and cheese. The games went fast so we were finished by eight. Went to Dad's. He and Steve were playing dominoes. We watched TV for a while and then came home.

Saturday, Daynon and Lynette were going to her grandmother's funeral in Buckingham County, so we keep Kennedy. We got up about 7 and I cleaned the house before she got here. They got here about ten. She is getting so big now. And loves to eat. Boy when she is hungry, she lets you know it. Her and Steve had a giggle fest going on. Babies are a miracle of life, it is just amazing to see the changes in them every week. Kennedy is trying to reach and grab for stuff now. And she can hold her head and shoulders up high when she is laying on her stomach. They picked her up around seven and Steve and I ate and passed out after she left. Babies can really take control of the household. Someone so small has a lot of power....LOL. We enjoyed her and can't wait to do it all again. We did not go any where after they left. We napped off and on and then I took my shower and went to be at eleven. Oh yeah, we weighed in and Steve weighed 209 and I weighed 223. Steve lost two and I lost one. Still losing...that's good.

Sunday, I sang twice today. We had a baptizing and also it was communion Sunday. Went to Wal-Mart, picked up a few things. Grilled chicken breast, baked sweet potatoes and peas for dinner. Now that does not sound like our usual Sunday dinners with mac and cheese, fried chicken....etc...but we are trying to eat better. I did sneak a spoon of ice cream yesterday, but don't tell Steve, I don't want him to fall off the band wagon b/c his cholesterol and blood pressure is high. We are about to go over Dad's might go and visit Babysis and Juiny Boy.

Next Sunday is fifth Sunday and we have one service. We are having "Old School Sunday"....all are welcome.

Love you all and there is nothing you can do about it.

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