Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boy Am I Tired

Check out Miss Hollywood. What a DIVA!!!

The last three weeks have been taken its toll on me mentally and physically. First dealing worrying about Freda after her fall and the surgery, the recovery afterwards and then her death. The Saturday after her funeral, Steve and I went to Freda's apartment and helped Babysis pack up her things. You collect a lot of things over your life time. Until you have to pack it up, you don't realize how much. I realize it when my Mom died. You keep things for what reason I don't know and I thought about it that when I am gone, Stevie and Daynon will toss the things I think are so important to keep. So I try to purge things every once in a while. We get sentimental attachment to things and those that come behind us to pack up your stuff will not feel that same need to keep those things. I think about that at Christmas time, when I pull out all my little ornaments that bring back memories to me when I hang them. My kids won't feel that same attachment and maybe they will, who knows.

Anyway, Sunday was Mother's Day. I had to sing @8 am only. Steve and Daynon came to church and we went to Cracker Barrel in Ashland for breakfast. Daynon treated us to breakfast. We enjoyed the breakfast and the time together. Went home and relaxed for awhile. Jason came over to go to dinner with us. Went over Dad's. Daynon, Lynette and Kennedy went to dinner with Lynette's Moma and Dad. They came by Dad's afterwards and hung out for a while. Dad, Aunt Margo, Steve and I met Babysis, Juiny Boy, Linda and Stevie at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Even though we called ahead, we had about a thirty minute wait. We always enjoy dinner at Texas Roadhouse. After dinner, we went to Dad's. Watched TV for a while and then all went home.

Monday and Wednesday we went to Freda's and packed up her household things and clothes. Thursday did not go b/c I had free tickets to see Queen Latifah's new movie but we found out it is first come first serve so we did not get in. What a jipe. So we went to Dad's. His hip has been bothering him so I went and checked up on him.

Friday I met Tonia, ex Dometic co-worker for lunch at Jason's Deli..or was that Thursday. Can't remember that far back now. We had a nice lunch. She caught me up on all the former co-workers.

Friday night went to Freda's to clean up and do last minute things. Keys to the apartment must be turned in on Monday. Went to Dad's afterwards. Stevie and Daynon were there.

Saturday had a yard sale at Dad's to sell a lot of Freda's things. The sale was a success and we got rid a lot of the larger items so they would not have to go to storage. Went to a surprise party for my cousin Tyrone at his home. Jason, Dad, Steve and I went. Had a nice time.

Sunday, one of our ex pastor's Rev. Wendell Johnson preached for our 143rd church Anniversary. Steve and Jason went with me. Later that evening we went to Steve and Linda's for a cookout. Daddy did not go because his hip was still bothering him. Babysis and Juiny Boy came over and Linda's parents , Daynon, Lynette and Kennedy were also there. Stevie and Daynon made a sweet DVD for Steve and I wishing us Happy Anniversary. I was really touched. Went to Dad's to check on him and Uncle Doc, Aunt Mary, Becky and Aunt Margo was there when ww got there. Stayed for a little bit and then went home.

This work week has not been fun. There has been a glitch in our software and I have had to do a lo of manual work. It has not been fun. But I have been getting my naps this week since I have had no other activities to do after work beside checking on Daddy.

Well I have looked at the next to the last episode of LOST. Sunday is the farewell to this well liked show. Oh well, such is life.

We can't rewind yesterday or hold on to today, so the best thing to do is reach for tomorrow.

Love ya and there is nothing you can do about it.

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