Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Day off

I took Tuesday off as my mandatory day off for the month. Had a Dr.'s appointment that I made two months ago. So I got up early to get Jason up and take him to his Grandmother's house. Got back home and did a few things around the house. Took my shower and get dressed and left for the Dr's office at 11:30. My appointment was at 12:15. Got there early, they took me in immediately to register. And that's when things went arrey. They asked for my insurance card. Well I misplaced it, but I called for replacements last week but Anthem told me all I would need to do is give the Dr's office my insurance ID# and their 800 number and everything would be cool. I did that and the Dr's office said they needed something on Anthem letterhead, so we called Anthem. Anthem told us they did not have the capability to fax anything, so guess what, I had to reschedule because neither side would give in. What a wasted day. Had to reschedule for January. I was a little PO'd but after careful deliberation, I realize I had no one to be mad at but myself. I lost the cards so I have no one to blame but myself. Steve had rode with me, so we went to Walmart. Ran into Daddy in the store. We went to his and watched TV until almost three and then we left to go pick up Jason from school. I told him I would take him to get his grand parents a gift. Then we went to Little Caesars got pizza came home and we all fell asleep watching TV. Rode over to Dad's and played dominoes until about nine. Came home, Jason took his bath, ate some more pizza and then he went to bed. Steve and I went to bed about ten thirty.

Took Jason home this morning and then went to work. Went to the Post Office at lunch time to get stamps and then walked around Sears Outlet Store on Westmoreland. Had a busy day at work today catching up.

Jason called me because he left his cell phone charger in my car. I called his Nana at work and we met up at the Burger King on Staples Mill Road. She was there when I got there. Picked up some Fish Sandwiches for Steve and I. They were pretty good. Steve and I went to the ATM and then he went to Dad's while I went to bible study. I needed Bible Study tonight. I was in a real funk today. Do you ever feel that your plans never seem to go the way you want them to go? I know God has his own plans for us and gives us when we are in need...but patience is a virtue that is hard for us all. So after bible study, my problems had not changed, but my attitude had. Went to Dad's and we watched So You Think You Can Dance until ten. Came home and wrote some more Christmas cards and now I am detailing my life's adventures......lame adventures I must say.

Anyway, get your milk and bread now.....they claim snow is coming on Saturday.

I'm out!

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