Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Week in Review

Nothing exciting going on this week.

Monday Jason had choir rehearsal. Daddy went to the wake of Mrs. Estelle Mallory. He was home by the time Steve and I got there. We watched TV. Picked Jason up and went home. Got Jason ready for bed, watched a little TV and then went to bed.

Tuesday nothing exciting happened. Had to take Jason to his grandmother's and then I went to work. Came home and ate dinner. We went over Dad's and watched American Idol. That show should be prescribed to any person who is depression because the auditions make me crack up. Where do these people come from. I mean they actually think they can sing. And CRY when they are not picked. These people need help. After we laughed ourselves to death, we went home.

Wednesday went to work, Bible Study. Steve went to Dad's. I went by Dad's to pick him up and we watched America Idol. All I can say" pants on the ground, pants on the ground, you looking kind of crazy with your pants on the ground". If you don't know what I am talking about, you missed it and need to go to youtube and check it out.
We left Dad's with tears in our eyes laughing and then went home.

Thursday went to work, home and then to choir rehearsal. Steve went over Dad's. I went to Dad's afterwards. We watched TV and then went home.

Friday, went to work. Stopped at Little Caesars after work. Jason's and his grandmother was at the house when I got home. He is staying the weekend. We ate the pizza and watched TV and then went to Dad's. We played dominoes. Steve won. We left bout ten and came home. Watched TMZ and the King of Queen's. Jason announced during the middle of the show that he was sleepy and went to be. We went to bed soon after.

The end of an uneventful week.

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