Sunday, January 10, 2010

I have good news and bad news

The bad news....I did not reach my weight goal last year. I started the New Year out weighing 231 pounds and the best weight I got during last year was 217 but that got away from me. But the good news is....I started the year out weighing 226 pounds. So in reality I did lose 5 pounds last year. Now if I do that every year, I could reach my goal in about five or six years. Hey, lemonade out of lemons ya'll.....LOL.
Well let's see, how did this week go. Tuesday I took my mandatory day off. Had to go see my GYN. Got back all my reports on Saturday and everything looked good......THANK YOU JESUS! I thank God b/c it could have been different except for his grace and mercy. My appointment was with Dr. Vanichikorn...I love her. She is a sweetheart. She has a Mammography suite there so it is a one stop shop. After we left my Dr's office, Steve went to his Dr's office to get his routine checkup. He got his results back and his pressure and cholesterol was high, so I am trying to keep him on a diet. Bought fruits, vegetables and low fat and low cholesterol snacks and foods.
Went to Bible study on Wednesday.
Thursday, I gave blood at work. My supervisor passed out cold after she gave blood. I sat with her for over an hour because the blood bank would not leave until her pulse rate came down. She had been coughing since Christmas and had only eaten a Pop Tart for breakfast. I walked with her to get lunch, but she still felt bad and went home. Giving blood does tire you, I went home and boxed up my Christmas decorations and went to choir rehearsal and I felt dog tired. Went to be early.
Friday I finished putting the decorations up and went to Dad's. Played Dominoes with Dad, Babysis and Steve. Steve won.
Saturday, I lounged around. Did my house work and went to Dad's. Aunt Margo and Becky were there. Stayed until nine and came home
Sunday, went to church. Sang at 8 and ll. Went to Wal-Mart. Made groceries, went home cooked a heart healthy dinner. Watched a show talking the show LOST which comes back on FEB 2....can't wait!!! Went to Dad's. Watched Diary of a Mad House Wife, the BET Gospel Awards...which I am watching now. It goes off at ten and then we are out. Got to go home and check out Desperate Housewives.
P.S Stevie has been sick this week with a cold but is better now. And poor little Kennedy has a little cold. Pray for my little cup cake so she gets well soon.

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