Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sorry to leave you hanging

I have not been updating my blog. My mind has been on other things. I did keep notes of what has been going on, so here goes.

Monday, January 25th
Went to work as usual. My Dr.'s office called with my test results. My blood sugar was fabulous, vitamin D low and cholesterol was slightly high. She recommended that I go see Endocrinologist because the ultrasound showed a cyst. I got scared for a minute but then I remembered God's grace and mercy and I knew everything would be alright. Dr. Nicholson felt it was nothing to worry about but I should see the specialist. Made an appointment to see Dr. Harvey Lankford. It was scheduled for Feb 3rd. Now because my husband is such a big worrier, I did not tell him. So I told the kids and my Dad instead. They all told me the same thing, everything would be alright. Jason had choir rehearsal tonight and I had church meeting. Steve went to Dad's. We went to Dad's after church and watched TV for a few minutes and then came home to get Jason ready for bed. Watched TV and then went to bed.

Tuesday, January 26th
Had to take Jason home this morning, so I got to work a little early. When I got home Steve and I went to Wal-Mart and then to the ATM. Did not take anything out for dinner so Steve and I were trying to think of the healthiest meal we could get and we decided on Subway. He got the heart healthy turkey sub and I got the heart healthy chicken breast sub with mozzarella cheese which is lower in fat and cholesterol. Man trying to eat right is a lot of work. It took no thinking to go to McDonald's or KFC. Life sucks when you have to make good choices but in the end you are better off for it. We went to Dad's and watch American Idol and then came home. Watched TV and went to bed.

Wednesday, January 27h
Went to work. Because we bought foot long subs for $5.oo, I took the other half of the chicken breast sub to work for lunch. Wednesday night is Arby's special for the whole rotisserie chicken, four sides and zucchini bread for $9.99. So we get broccoli, corn, baked potato and spicy apples. Their apples, oh my goodness, they are sooooooooo good. Love them, love them, love them. I use to love Ukrop's but they beat Ukrop's. Dropped Steve off at Dad's and I went to Bible study. Watched the rest of American Idol and went home. Watched the President's State of the Union message when we got home. Went to bed.

Thursday, January 28th
Went to work as usual. Nothing exciting happened. Left work and went to Henrico Doctors on Parham to see my friend Betty. We had not exchanged Christmas gifts yet. Stayed there for a few minutes talking to her and catching up. Jason came over for choir rehearsal, so I picked up pizza for dinner. We had mass choir rehearsal because we all were singing on Sunday which is a fifth Sunday. We had planned one service for that Sunday. We did not know at that point what the weather would be so we prepared for service.

Friday, January 29th
Went to work. All the news was talking about was the on coming snow. Steve and I went to Wal-Mart and if you check out the picture in my previous blog, you can see it was a mad house. Finding a parking spot was crazy. But for some reason everyone went to the registers at the other end of the store, Steve and I did not have to stand in line long. We went by Dad's and hung out watching TV and then went home.

Saturday, Janurary 30th
IT'S SNOWING!!!! Again. It has definitely been a winter we will all remember and will talk about for years. We watched snow reports on TV all morning long. I kept opening the front and back doors to keep the snow from building up around the doors. Steve went out and shoveled the snow early that morning but by evening it looked like it never had been shoveled. I sewed buttons on my dress coat that have been swinging for a while. Cleaned the house and washed my hair. We stayed in the house and did not go anywhere. Talked to Dad many times to make sure he was OK and not getting too bored. Mt. Olive sent a audio message on the phone that church was cancelled. So I stayed up and watched TV

Sunday, Januray 31st
It was strange that there was no church today. So we watched TV and around noon we journeyed out in the snow. Called my sister law Pat to check on her. I figured she did not drive in the snow so I called to see if she needed anything. She did. Kettle Corn popcorn to go with her movies. Called Dad to see if he wanted anything. Called Freda to check on her, she said she was good. Because they plowed Mountain Road, we knew we would not be able to get in Dad's yard, so I dropped Steve off and went to Wal-Mart while he shoveled the drive way. Wal-Mart had a lot of folks there. The parking lot was a slushy mess. When I got back, Steve had the drive way cleared. we watched TV and then we ventured out to Golden Corral. Had a gift card I got from Betty. It was not real crowded there because of the snow.Did not over do. Ate small quantities,and no bread or hush puppies, which I love. Went back to Daddy's and watched TV. Left and went home to get in time for the Grammy's.

Monday, February 1st
Did not want to get out of bed. Stayed up late watching the Grammy's and I am paying for it now. And the county trucks were up and down the streets early in the a.m. and I kept waking up so I felt like crap this morning. Came home after work and made a pot of spaghetti. I do not like pasta, so I ate a bowl of cereal. Steve has enough for lunch the rest of the week. I got my reminder today for my Dr's appointment on Wednesday, I got the message before Steve heard it. There was no rehearsal for Jason, so we ate dinner and went over Dad's. Watched TV and came home.

Tuesday, Februaary 2nd
Went to work. My nerves are getting a little shaky the closer I get to my appointment day and I am telling Steve tonight what is going on. After dinner, I told him what was going on. He got that worried look on his face immediately. Now he should have been comforting me and tell me everything is going to be alright, but I found myself telling him that. Every since his brother Sony died his already exaggerated worries about everything got worse. Any way, after our discussion and his many questions, we went to Dad's. Did not stay long because tonight is LOST's premiere. So we left Dad's around 7:30 and got home and got snacks for the show. Steve went to sleep as usual, so I taped it for him. I was on FACE Book during the show on the LOST page and chat with the fans about the show. The show is so confusing but I love it. And the theories people have about what is going on was funny and insightful. The first hour was a review and then the new show was two hours long. It was action packed. So many things were revealed. I hate that this is the last season for the show. It is definitely different from every other show that is on TV.

Wednesday, February 3rd
D day. Dr. Day. Went to work and watched the clock all day long. I left work about 12:50. My appointment was at 1:15. The Dr's office was on Forest Ave. Did not wait too long in the waiting room. Nurse did the vitals thing and then the Dr came in. If any of you know who the actor Ed Begley,Jr is, my Dr looks like him except with curly big hair. He had that mad scientist look.....LOL. I went on the Internet to check him out and he has publish in a few publications so I guess he is OK. Anyway, he told me I had a nodule and a cyst on my thyroid and that one side of my thyroid was a little larger than the other side. He said these things majority of the time are never malignant but he wanted to do a scan to make sure, so that was scheduled for next Thursday. I have to swallow a iodine pill and the test will tell how well my thyroid absorbs the iodine. He felt there would be no need for surgery or any kind of medical therapy. So I felt good when I left his office. Called the family and gave them the outcome of my office visit and went back to work. We went to Arby's when I got home and ate the Wednesday special of rotisserie chicken. Dropped Steve off at Dad's and went to Bible study. An announcement was made after Bible study that Jason's choir would rehearse Thursday at 7 and that my cousin Jimmy Jackson's sister Yolanda had died. I did not know that. I told Dad when I got to his house. He did not know either. We watched TV and came home. Sent Jason a text about rehearsal.

Thursday Feb.4th
Because of the snow, we have been able to wear jeans to work. Like that. Work was good. Have been really caught up so I helped my boss with her End Of The Period report. Now that I have my digital TV, I eat my lunch at my desk and watch the Young and the Restless. Have been taking my lunch to work every day for the last few weeks. But I think about Lee's Chicken at least once a week. Boy those chicken breast strips and wedges are on point. Oh well, once I get my cholesterol down, I can indulge every once in a while. Anyway, stopped and got pizza on the way home. Jason came over, we dropped Steve at Dad's and we went to church. OK, his rehearsal was at six and not seven. So he came over tonight for nothing. He hung out while I rehearsed, we went to Dad's, hung out for a few and then came home. Jason ate a piece of pizza after his bath and then went to bed. We went to bed soon after.

Friday 5th
Here we go again, another round of snow due for Richmond. Went to work and every one was watching out the window to see if it was snowing. My boss was off today and my Supervisor called in sick. One of the co-workers in my department was only working a half a day, so there was only me in my department. Rich who works in my area is not actually a part of my department but he sits in our area. He has done or knows about the jobs in my department so it was good to have him there for back up. One of our co-workers has been out for three weeks because her husband had a heart attack and had a quadruple bypass. She comes back to work Monday, Thank God.
Any way the snow started and everyone started talking about when they were going to leave. I have no vacation time and only four hours of sick time so I knew I was not going to leave too early. By noon, they started deserting the ship. By one, Rich and I were the only ones in our area. The Break down department is a 24/7 department so someone is always there. I went to the break room to get my lunch and everyone was packing up to leave in the other departments. I finally decided I was leaving at two and I was the only female left by then. The car was covered in snow. I started it with the remote before I went out so that helped a little. Took my time coming home. Steve and I went to Wal-Mart, made groceries. They had no ground beef, chicken wings or chicken legs at Wal-Mart. Went to Krogers to get the beef. Went to dad's and watched TV. Fixed hamburgers around five and ate dinner. Stayed at Dad's until eight and came home. It was a winter mix of rain and sleet outside then. Came home and watched TV. Looked out the window and it was still raining, went to bed.

Saturday, Feb 6th
SNOW,SNOW,SNOW,SNOW....That word seems to be constantly in our vocabulary these days.
Woke up about 7:30 and looked out the window and it was snowing. It was really fine snow, but it was snowing. Grabbed my bills and went thru them, tossed the old filed the new. Got my tax stuff together to work on this weekend and ate my Fiber One cereal. Made the bed, cleaned the bath room and the kitchen and then I came in the den with the lap top to update my blog. Now we are up to date. It is still snowing. Being stuck in the house like this makes you want to eat, so I bought a lot of healthy snacks for us to eat, apples, raisins, English walnuts, rice cakes. Steve is a hunter for food all the time, so I have to have something for him to eat.
We weighed in today, and he only lost .2 pounds and I gained a pound. Think I ate too much this week worrying about my appointment. And I need to stay away from the bologna and get back to eating my tuna. So you are now up to date. Will try to get back to doing my daily updates.

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