Monday, March 15, 2010

Had a lovely weekend.

Had a great weekend. Friday we did the family night at church I told you about and then Saturday, Steve and I went to the International Car Show at the Richmond Center. I won four tickets on Channel 6 and gave two to Jason and his grandparents. We got there about 1:30 or so. Parking was CRAZY. They were also having the Yolanda Adams Gospel Explosion there also. Anyway, we met up with Jason and his grandparents and walked around and looked at the cars. They had a Mercedes that was $101,000.00. Even if I had that kind of money I would not spend that much on a car. I did like the trucks. I got in a Dodge Ram. That thing sits like a car and so luxurious inside. I was so high in the air I had to jump down. They new Ford Taurus was nice and they had a sporty Volvo that was cool with a hard top convertible. After a couple of hours, we left the show. Daynon called and asked could we watch Kennedy and I told him yes.

We were at Dad's when Daynon brought Kennedy about seven or so. Miss Thing was not in a very good mood. She started crying so I made a bottle for her that she refused to drink. So we walked, talked, rocked and Daddy even played the guitar for her which did quiet her for a minute or so.....a minute. Well Daddy got a sheet and laid it on the sofa because I could tell she was sleepy and he started hitting the back of the sofa and she kept watching his hand...and guess what...the little turkey finally went to sleep about eight and was still sleep when Daynon got there about ten thirty. I can not figure it out for the life of me why babies fight sleep...when I'm sleepy....I am going to sleep if I can....certainly I would not cry about it. Boy if we go just get in the heads of a baby and understand there thought process. Anyway, Daynon woke her up and they left about eleven. OK...since the time is going really was TWELVE......AAAAAAAAAAH!

I did not want to get up for church Sunday. By the time I went to bed, it was after twelve which was really one. But I pushed myself and went. Got a little sleepy during the service but I survived. Left church and went to Wal_mart to make groceries. Came home, put the groceries away and hit the recliner. Had to be at church at three for a mini rehearsal because we have to sing for the four pm service.

Bishop Kelsey who was our former Pastor before Pastor Thompson, preached the sermon for the dedication of our new building. He gave Pastor Thompson props telling him that God had done more thru him at Mt. Olive that all the Pastors that had been there including him. I thought that was very humbling of him to say that. The service was over around six and we had a reception afterwards. The banquet hall was decorated nicely & the food was good. The punch they served was off the chain. Had to get two cups of that punch. Steve's nieces Brenda and Carolyn came so we sat and talked and I left after they left.

Went home to pick up Steve and we went to Dad's. Dad had told us to come over for dinner, so we ate. Dad fried chicken and his chicken is always good.

Stevie had been to New Jersey and stopped by Dad's when he got back to town. He stayed for a few minutes and we left when he left.

Went to work today and over to Dad's. It's nice to see the daylight late in the evening.

And that was my weekend. Looking forward to the warm weekend ahead.

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