Saturday, April 10, 2010

Updates as of Friday April 9th

Well I worked by part time job on Monday night, had not been there in a while. Need the money. Tried to get on the Tuesday shift but couldn't. Losing my job was never a thought of mine. I thank God I now have a job but it has definitely put me in a financial situation where I feel like I am in a whirlpool. I just can not get ahead and basically feel like I am drowning. But in spite of, I know that God throws me that life line every time I think I am going under. If it was not for His grace and mercy and my faith that he is gonna work it out, I would be one of those persons who go postal or jump off a bridge. I believe people who do those things lose all faith or never had it at first. When I was without a job, I constantly prayed that God would not only send me a job but get me thru the times I was without a job. And just like he said he would, "ask and it shall be given", he did. So to all of you that are going thru hard times right now remember that whatever life brings you to, God will see you thru. Tuesday night I watched "Lost". They are giving us so information about the characters not that it is hard to comprehend it all. The show definitely keeps you thinking. I think we have only 5 more shows before the final show. Will miss it. Did not go to bible study Wednesday. We are studying from a book that I had not bought or read yet, so Steve and I went to Dad's and we all went to Uncle Doc and Aunt Mary's house. Had to deliver Girl Scout cookies to home from my cousin Langley. We sat under the tree and enjoyed the nice breeze until it was almost 8:30. Enjoyed talking to them. We took Dad home and then came home and watched TV. I have watched "Ugly Betty" once or twice but was not a regular viewer but have gotten into this season only to find that it is the last season...oh well. I have also, gotten into the show "V". I like that show...different from anything else on TV. The pollen is crazy. Everything is yellow. Went to choir rehearsal on Thursday. It started raining while I was there. We need it badly. Everybody's allergies are kicking. Went by Dad's, had left Steve there. We watched TV and then went home. Watched "Survivor". Why does Russell not get kicked off. Are the people on there stupid. He works my last nerve. He needs to meet his match and soon. Went to bed at eleven. Love going to bed while it is raining. The sound lulls you to sleep. Today is day....I think. It comes and goes so quickly...LOL. Going over Daynon's tomorrow. Driving the truck to pick up mulch for him at Lowe's. GET TO SEE KENNEDY.....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Because of transitions we are making in the music ministry, I only have to sing @ the 8am service Sunday. Loving it. Well that's all ya'll. Love ya and take care.

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