Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What happened to Spring?

Ok, we had a cold winter and then we saw the light of day with some spring weather and now we are having August weather. The temperature is suppose to be in the nineties tomorrow. Good grief. But I will not complain it beats the cold weather we have had.

I am sorry I have not been keeping my blog up. By the time my computer gets to the website I want, it is bed time....LOL. So I just don't feel like messing with it. So let me see if I can remember all that has been going on with me.

Things are going good at work. My co-workers are nice and are easy to work with. Have been making the daily visits to Dad's and going to Bible study on Wednesdays and choir rehearsal on Thursday. Two weeks ago, instead of Bible study, one of our Associate Ministers who is a Missionary showed us slides of pictures she had taken in Hatti. We watched this in our new multi purpose building. She goes to Hatti on a regular basis. The pictures and the stories she told was devastating. They had so little to begin with and now that has been destroyed. Families separated and lost forever. We were told that parents have to pay $40.00 for their kids to go to school and that covers their uniforms and meals and there were many kids who do not go to school because their parents can not afford it. Our church collected over $7500.00 after the earthquake and we have provided them I believe around $10,000.00 to build a church over there. The church Rev. Corbett attended over there had their services outside in a tent with chickens and goats walking thru. So she had a vision to build them a church and her vision came to fruition. It is basically a building with four walls and a roof but it is like a mansion to them. We sometimes take for granted the things of luxury we have here in the USA. If you can help them with a donation of any type, it would be appreciated.

I have been trying to get out and walk on my breaks since it has been warm. My hip sometimes fights me and make the walking unbearable. I was doing real good with my eating habits but I have fallen off the wagon hard. Steve has been doing real good and has lost about twenty pounds. Why is it so hard to lose weight but so easy to put it on.

I took my car to Dominion Chevrolet because we were seeing smoke from under the hood. We thought it had something to do with the heat/AC but found out the last time I had the oil changed, they did not screw the oil filter on tight. Man does any one do good work anymore.

Steve and I both have had colds. I got over mine, but Steve has been suffering with his sinuses so I made him finally go to the Dr's. They gave him an antibiotic and a steroid nasal spray. He is a lot better now.

We got some good news from our Minister of Music and that is we sing at 8am only on the 2nd Sunday in April and that will be our last time singing on the 2nd Sunday and we will only be singing on the 4th Sunday.....YEAH! We were excited to hear that. Singing two Sundays for both services for the last few years have been rough but we made the sacrifice and it has paid off.

Thursday, Stevie and Linda left for Kitty Hawk,NC for his friend Stewart's wedding. Daynon, Lynette and Kennedy left on Saturday. The wedding was on Easter Sunday. Jason left for Las Vegas with his grandparents, so none of my kids were going to be in town for Easter so the plan was to go out to eat, but my cousin Babysis invited us to her house to eat.

Last Friday night we had Good Friday Services. Seven of our Associate Ministers spoke the last seven words of Jesus. Each preached a five minute or so sermonette and in between those sermonttes, Cora Harvey Armstrong sang. That women has a powerful voice on her.

Saturday, I cleaned house and then we went over Dad's. He and Steve were working on the power steering hose on the Mustang. I pulled weeds in Dad's flower pot and then washed his car for him. Came home and washed my hair. Rode back over Dad's later that evening, watched TV and then Jason came. He was going to Easter Sunrise Service with us at 6am on Sunday. His flight did not leave until 3:45. We did not stay long because we had to get up early.

Sunday I got up at 4:45. I don't do early and Jason is even worse. We all got ready and got to church around 5:50am. We had a big crowd. My choir sang for that service. After the service, we had breakfast in our beautiful new multi purpose building. I am so proud of what God has blessed us with. Breakfast consisted of eggs, apples, hash browns, sausage, bacon and biscuits. Everything was good. We went home and Jason changed because his Grandmother was picking him up at ten. He woke up with a stuffy nose so I was pumping him with cold and allergy medicine so he would not be stuffy on the plane.

After Jason left, I started setting the table and getting things straight for dinner. Oh yeah, I skipped a vital piece of info. Babysis had a little kitchen fiasco so she bought all her food to my house. Everything was delicious. She bought turkey, fried chicken, ham, string beans, mac and cheese, yams, potato salad, corn on the cob, gravy, dressing, sweet potato pie, chocolate bar cake, strawberries and whipped cream. I thought Juiny Boy would not stop bringing stuff in. There was only six of us for dinner, Babysis, Freda, Juiny Boy, Daddy, Steve and me. All I made was tea and jello. I have never enjoyed a dinner party at my home more than this. I did no work so I was relaxed and was able to enjoy my company. We ate and talked. Then we ate desert. Juiny Boy hit the sofa and went to sleep in the den. Freda was feeling a little weak so Babysis took her home. I was sorry to see her feeling bad and have to leave. Please pray for her. While Babysis was gone, I packed up everything for them to take home but not before we put some aside for us to eat later. Dad, Steve and I moved to the living room and sat and talked. Babysis came back and we talked. Then we all decided to eat ice cream. Dad bought that. In the meantime, Juiny Boy woke up and ate ice cream too. We sat and talked some more. We had a nice time. I guess it was some where near 8:30 and we packed up their car with all the food and everyone left. It was a wonderful Easter Sunday. It was not like our usual holidays with the kids and at first felt a little strange not having them all here, but God willing there will be many more.

Steve, Linda, Daynon, Lynette and Kennedy all got safely back to Richmond on Monday, Praise God. I went to work at my part time job for the first time in a long time because I have not been able to get a shift and then they sent some of us home forty five minutes early...oh well.

Tried to get a shift to work tonight but could not. We we went to the new restaurant that opened on Mountain Road near Dad's. It is an Italian restaurant and service everything from cheeseburgers, subs to chicken wings. We tried the pizza. It was good. The sauce has a sweet taste to it. Went to Dad's and watched American Idol. Came home and watched Lost and V. I have gotten into V.

Still keeping up with the Young and the Restless. That show has been off the chain the last few days. I don't believe the body found was Adam's but we will see.

OK, I am tired now so I am going to bed. @Tonia, hope you are happy now. Will try to keep it up better than what I have been doing.

God loves you and I do too!

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