Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekly Update.

Daynon has been working in his yard and wanted to put down some mulch, so he asked his Dad to meet him over at Lowe's on Saturday with the pickup truck. We got up early Saturday and I did my house work and we headed out about 9:15. We got to Lowe's and Daynon was pulling up when we got there. He got 22 bags of mulch. Went to his house and I went in and he and Steve unloaded the mulch. All 22 bags went around the rose bush garden out front. It looked real nice after they finished. Lynette was getting Kennedy dressed and they soon came out. Kennedy was a little fussy. Lynette went on some errands and I tried soothing Kennedy. Clapping was the only thing that worked and she went to sleep. She slept for maybe thirty minutes and Daynon or Steve hit the house and woke her. The funny thing is she would not cry as long as I did not talk to her. Maybe it was my breath....LOL. I told Daynon I think my granddaughter doesn't like me b/c every time I would talk, she would cry. I gave her a bottle when she got fussy and she was OK after that. Steve came in and we put her in the new bouncy toy they had bought her. She was having a ball. Lynette came home before we left and we headed on back home.

Daddy was invited to a birthday party but b/c his cousin Walter from DC and cousin Bobby from PA came down, he ditched the party and hung out with them. Steve and I went to the movies to see "Bounty Hunter" with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Boy he was definitely a different character from what he was in "Law Abiding Citizen"....LOL. We got out the movies around 9:30 and came home.

4/11 Went to church. We had to sing two services today. Came home and watched the golf game with Tiger. Boy was he stinking today. Decided to go see Stevie and Linda today. Called Daddy to see if he wanted to ride, he said OK. Stevie and Linda just had five trees taken down in their yard so we went to check it out. They had a big tree in the front yard. Daddy was glad to see that came down. They have a lot of trees around their house but they most of the big ones that can cause harm down. We watched the rest of the golf game over there. Left after the golf game was over and came back to Dad's. Watched TV for a little bit and came home.

4/12 Went to Estes and worked. Normal day. Worked my part time job. Had to call and do a 53 survey question with was soooooooooo boring, but the night went by fast.

4/13 Went to Estes. Met Steve at Dad's after work. Went to H.W.Dabney Funeral Home for visitation services for Sallie Williams. I saw a girl named Shirley I had not seen since I was a teenager. Got to see Sallie's children and give them our condolences. Came back to Dad's watched a little TV and went home to see LOST.

4/14 Went to Estes. Did not go to Bible Study. Just got the book we are reading last night so I will catch up next week. Went to Lowe's to get some Weed and Feed and ran into our ex neighbor Victor Patterson. Talked to him a long time. Went to to Dad's and watched TV and went home and watched American Idol.

4/15 Went to Estes. Got home and called our tax man. He had prepared our taxes and just needed us to sign them. He got here about 6:00 and we signed the papers and then we went over Dad's. We sat and talked and then I left and went to choir rehearsal. Rev. Lee was suffering with allergies, so we were out about 8:00. Stayed around and watched a Western movie Daddy and Steve were watching and then left about 9:15. Came home and watched SURVIVOR. They are the stupidest people ever on this show. Why that can not see thru Russell. He is SATAN. He needs to go. I do not want him to win. Oh my goodness they made some dumb moves tonight.

4/16 FRIDAY. Went to Estes. Met Daynon for lunch at UKROP's. We use to always meet there for lunch when I worked at Dometic. The story is closing on 4/17 and is changing to Martin's on 4/26 so we went there for lunch for old times sake. They had already started some renovations and there was no water or fountain drinks, that sucked. But we enjoyed the lunch the same. We will have to do it again when Martin's open up. Left from work and when I got home....HE was here. Jason the terrible....LOL. Let me stop. Only wrote that because he is reading everything I write. His grandparents going out of town for the weekend so he and his grandmother were here when I got here. After she left, we took Jason to RF&P park to a carnival they were having there. He met some of his friends there. They had all kinds of games for adults and kids to play. Jonathan...can't think of his last name, but he has been a juggler and unicycle rider that has made his rounds in Richmond since my kids were young. He was fun.
Left there after seven or so and stopped at Chik-Fil-A. Babysis called when we were en route wanted to know if we wanted to play dominoes. We said yeah. Stopped at Chik-Fil-A and while we were there, Daynon called and said he and Kennedy were at Daddy's so we got our food to go.
When we got there she was sitting on the sofa just as quiet as she can be and then all of that changed. She started to cry when any of us held her. But once Daynon took her, the tears subsided. Kennedy is sooooooooooooo spoiled and it is her Daddy's fault....LOL. Babysis came and then after talking for awhile, Jason, Dad, Babysis and I played dominoes. Steve didn't play because he wanted to play with Kennedy. Daynon and Kennedy left and we played dominoes until ten . Stopped at 7-11 and Jason rented The Chipmunks-the Squeakquel. Came home, he watched the movie and we went to bed around eleven. He stayed up and finished the movie don't know what time he went to bed.

4/17 And now it is Saturday again. Have done some of my house work. Jason is complaining he is hungry. He just ate yesterday....LOL. Anyway, going to fix him something to eat. Probably going to the mall and to Verizon to see if I can get a cheaper phone plan. Whatever we do today, it will be FREE.....LOL. Have a blessed weekend.


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