Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's been a while

Boy it's been a long time since I updated my blog.

Let's see where do I start. June was a hot month. Jason left for Germany on June 18th. He went to visit his Mom. He has been to Berlin and Austria and is going toVenice. He is having a ball out there. He will be back September 1st.

Father's Day Dad, Steve, Daynon, Kennedy, Lynette, Stevie, Linda, Lynette's Mom Queen, Lynette's Dad Leonard , Aunt Margo and myself went to Outback Restaurant in MECHANICSVILLE. We had a great time. Then we came out to Dad's and chilled. Margo ,dad, Steve and I that is. Check out the slide show of the pictures from that day.

We had our annual fourth of July cookout on July 3rd. We don't have the big cookouts like we use to but it was a the immediate family and We had a nice time and the weather was perfect. Daynon and Lynette showed up with a new car,a Nissan Murano. It is nice. I forgot what year it is.

Stevie, Daynon, Lynette and Linda went to New York on the fourth of July so we got to keep Kennedy. We kept her from Sunday until Tuesday. This was our first overnight for us and Daynon and Lynette. It went very well. I guess you don't forget what you know.

Back in May, Juiny Boy asked to help him give Babysis a surprise 65th Birthday party. It was fun getting the preparations and sneaking around Babysis. The party was on July 11th. Her birthday is on the 12th. She was definitely surprised. OK here is how the lie went down. I sent her a fake invitation to the first annual "Garden of Sisters" Tea and Social that was being given by Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church. Her best friend goes to that church. In the invitation it said you must bring a flower to be planted in the church's flower garden they were going to do to mark this day. Her friend called her and encouraged her to come. Well it worked. When she stepped up in Confederate Hills Recreation Center with that flower I cracked up. She wad truly surprised with close to one hundred of her friends and family there. We played a trivia game about her and showed a video Stevie did of her life with pictures we stole from It was a beautiful occasion. Check out the slide show of pictures from her party.

My Aunt Margo celebrated her birthday on July 19th. She and her sister Yvonne and her brothers Doc and my Dad Bug and her friend Becky went t her favorite restaurant for dinner....O'Charley's. It was a week day and they went at 3 so I was able to go. We got to hang out with her the day before and gave her our gift.

My Great Aunt Marion and cousin Linda came down from New York On July 22 and stayed until the 27th. Enjoyed seeing them. I took that Friday off and hung out with them. They killed me in the malls but we had a nice time. Went to o charlies for lunch. That Sunday I sang and we all had dinner at Babysis and Juiny Boy's. My kids came over. Of course Miss Kennedy was there. We had a nice time and plenty of food.

July was a pretty active month. Glad things have slowed down. On Sunday, July 18Lynette and Daynon went to Kings Dominion so we kept Kennedy. You can see the pictures in the slide show.When they got back it was raining terrible. Was glad when they called and said they got home safely. They went again to Kings Dominion last night, they have passes and we kept Kennedy. Last Saturday I went to yard sale and got a Pack and Play that was just like new for $18.00. She wanted $20.00 but we Sammy Davis her down (Stevie that joke was for you...LOL) I bought it home washed it in soapy water, disinfect and then sprayed it with Lysol. I said all that to say we now have somewhere for her to sleep when she comes over. Bought a high chair before she was born. Now we need a car seat.

Oh yeah, Linda's sister Tonya had a baby boy. I believe his name is Andrea'. I have not seen him yet.

Stevie is doing well in school He is taking classes at John Tyler trying to obtain his degree. He got a B today on his Accounting test...GO STEVIE!

Work is going good. August 24th I will be at Estes one year. Boy time flies. When I was out of work for eleven months, it seemed like an eternity.

Tomorrow, the Music department at my church is having a Gospel only. It is at 4pm. Should be nice.

I will try to do better with keeping up my blog. Be blessed. Love ya.

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