Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer is almost over

I feel like I have been in a time warp. Where did the summer go. Saturday Aug.7th I worked on a couple of projects I have been working on staining them. Daynon and Lynette came over later and bought Kennedy by because they were going to the movies. Lynette felt ill while there and found out she was having a migraine. I have had plenty of those and they are no fun. I know when I have have had them, I want a quiet and dark place. Kennedy ended up staying the night and Daynon picked her up on Sunday morning about nine because we were going to church. I had fed her and bathed her by the time he got there.

Once the homecomings start at the area churches, things start to fly by. The 2nd Sunday in August is Homecoming at my Dad's church, Bethany Baptist in Montpelier. Steve and I always go with him every year and my Aunt Margo went with us also. The church was packed. The food was good as always. Daddy's cousin Bobby came down from York,PA. Dad loves it when he comes to town. They all stayed for the evening service and Steve and I left and took plates to my Uncle Irvin and my Aunt Shelia and Uncle Hike who lives in Montpelier. We visited with Aunt Shelia and Uncle Hike for a while. My cousin Anthony was there also. Steve and I came home and chilled.
Dad and Bobby bought Margo to her car later and then they went to visit my Uncle Tommy who was in the hospital. Cousin Bobby spent the night with Dad and they went out to Breakfast on Monday morning before he left to go back to PA.

Monday I went to my part time job. Steve's niece Michelle now works there. She was there and the two of us sat next to each other. Michelle is a trip. She made the night go by faster for sure.

The storms have been crazy. Three Thursdays in a row. We need the rain but keep the wind and lightning.

Steve and I did Yard Sales yesterday. Didn't find anything good except I did find a tub bench for my Aunt Shelia. Dad gave it to her today. She loved it.

Steve sisters and brothers came over at two on Saturday for a family meeting that lasted about and hour but we sat around and talked and enjoyed each other's company for the next hour. Everyone left after four because we had a family cookout at five. So we went to Steve's sisters house, Barbara for a cookout their nieces and nephews gave. It was good to get together with all the Smith's. Stevie and Linda came, Daynon and Lynette had another party they were attending. The younger Smiths don't really know each other so it was good for them to all get together. There was plenty of food and good conversation.

Steve and I went to church today. Went to Shoney's afterwards for breakfast and then came home. OK, I had cooked mac and cheese yesterday for the cookout and made a dish for dinner today. So all I had to do was put my chicken roaster in the oven and my string beans on the stove and then I hit the recliner and went to sleep. Woke up and watched TV for a bit. Looked at the clock and thought...hey the chicken is probably ready. But to my surprise, the oven was cold. Something is wrong with my oven. So the chicken was still raw. So I had to bring it to Dad's and cook. We ate dinner about Five instead of two as was planned. Anyway, it rained most of the time we were here but has stopped now and Dad and Steve are sitting outside. I was catching up on a Big Brother I missed. About to head out there and sit with them before mosquitoes start biting.

Have a blessed week.

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