Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hey Blog Family-
Hope you have been fine. The weather has been a little better to deal with. Not a lot been going on. Have been working my part time job once a week. Moved to a new desk at work. I am now in the middle of my department. Like the new area. Stevie and Lynette celebrated their birthdays at my house on Aug. 24th. Stevie's is on the 24th and Lynette's is on the 25th. Cooked some wingettes, mac and cheese and string beans and made a cake and had ice cream. Daddy came over and we enjoyed the time together. They stayed around until 8:30 or so.

Choir rehearsals had been put on hold for the summer and we had our first rehearsal last Thursday. It was nice while it lasted. Because today was fifth Sunday, the Mass choir sang. It was Family and Friends weekend so we had only one service today. Yesterday we had our picnic and talent show. It was a real hoot. Every generation had to wear a specific color this weekend to represent your generation. My generation was red. They performed songs from their generation yesterday. From Fats Domino, James Brown to Luther Vandross. It was a great celebration. And then today we had a little skit during service and the Praise Dancers performed. We had a packed house at church today.

We are over at Steve and Linda's. Stevie and Lynette still celebrating their birthday. They met up with six other friends at Laser Quest. So we stayed at Stevie and Linda's and watched Kennedy. Stevie is firing up the grill right now, so we will probably eat a little something and then head back to Henrico.

Kennedy is ten months old now. Not walking yet but standing up good by herself.

Later and be blessed.

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