Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Still here

Well it's been awhile and a lot has happened. Unfortunately, God thought it was time for my cousin Sharon's Dad to come to his heavenly home. He fought the fight and won. To go home to the Master is a win for Tommy but a loss to everyone here who grieves over his loss. I pray for my cousin Sharon who probably has a piece of her heart missing. It is hard losing a parent. You go thru all kinds of changes. When you lose a parent, reality sets in and then you start thinking of the morality of your surviving parent. I felt after my Mom died that every day with my Dad was more precious than it was before. You think about all the things you didn't say or do before that parent left. You think about the things you forgot that only they knew and you don't have them around any more. We should all cherish each day as if it was your last. Tell the people you love that you do love. Spend quality together even if you have to make sacrifices.

While I am on the subject of loss, today is the birthday of Regis Lamar Smith. In case you do not know who that is, she is the daughter I gave birth to on November 3, 1976. She only lived one day. She was a full term baby but was born with no kidneys. I always dreamed of having two kids. First I wanted a boy and then a girl, but God had other plans. There was times seeing a little girl brought a little sadness to me but I thank God for my two sons who have grown up into fine young men that I am proud of. I am proud of them not for any thing other than who they are. They married two sweet young ladies and from what I can see they are good husbands. You will have to talk to their wives to find out otherwise....LOL. They never gave me and Steve any trouble growing up and I thank God for that. Stevie and Daynon if you are reAding this, know that I love you and always will. But God always gives you what you want but not how you want it. He sent us Kennedy. Steve and I were talking about how Kennedy looks like Daynon when he was young and I can see a lot of Regis in Kennedy. So in a way, God gave me my little girl but without the cost of raising her. I love it. And speaking of Kennedy, check out the pictures on the side of her first bithday. She was definitely the center of attention and loved every minute. Still can't believe she is one already.

Jason still hanging with us. He came over last Friday, left on Monday and came back Monday pm went home Wednsday am and is coming back tonight. He has chor rehearsal. He is good company and I love having him around. He keeps me young. His Mom is coming back to the states soon and he is counting down the days. Can't believe he is in the seventh grade.

Well love you guys. Tell someone you love how you feel today.


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