Saturday, September 3, 2011

now that we are up to speed

Woke up at around 6:30. Did my hip exercises. Went in the kitchen and boiled some eggs for devil eyes and some potatoes for potato salad. Put a pork shoulder in the crock pot last night. Made BBQ and Cole slaw. Don't know why I made all this food. No one is coming over. Cleaned the house and then went over dad's. When he and Steve took the broken limb down the picnic bench broke so the cut somewhere new wood to make legs. We hung around there until three thirty. Went to Food Lion because I forgot to get Salad cubes. We went home. Opened up some pork n beans, heated up some BBQ with slaw and had deviled eggs. Made my potato salad after dinner while watching King Kong. The second one. Heated up dinner for dad and took it to him. Sat on the patio. Daddy and Steve stuffed the openings on the house. We got worried when we
saw bats flying around. Left when it got dark. Left him with plenty of battery operated lights. Came home. Talked to Stevie. Watched a movie. After it goes off, shower and then bed.

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