Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can we have a few days of autumn first Old Man Winter

Woke up before the alarm went off at 6:45. Steve was up watching TV. Eat with him for a little while then we got ready for church. After church we picked up dad. Took him to Westbury Pharmacy to get something for Aunt Shelia. Stopped at McDonalds for breakfast, then took dad home. Steve and I went to Walmart. It was the first of the month circus there. While I was there, got a call that our outside engagement to sing was canceled. Finished getting the groceries and then came home. Was glad I didn't have to sing. I was tired. Took care of somethings around the house that I could not do on Saturday. Fixed dinner. Took a nap. Dad had gone to Montpelier with his sisters Margo and Janice. Went over dad's when he got home. We watched TV. We all fell asleep. Dad slept for about two hours. I guess he was tired. Left his house about nine. Watching Pan Am. Going to bed when it goes off.

Today's sermon by Rev. Thompson was titled "No you don't ". It comes from Mark 5. Here are my notes:

When you are arrested you have the right to remain silent, but when it comes about telking people about Jesus we don't have the right to remain silent. One of the reasons we were saved in the fist place to tell others about the love of Jesus Christ. Legion was a man who knew he did not have the right to remain silent. He was delivered from demon possession. Jesus called the unclean spirits out of him into a herd of pigs. His life was changed and his mind was cleared. The devil is out to confuse and scare folks. The Gospel can change your whole life. A silent disciple can bit deal with a loud devil, that is why we can not remain silent. Silence is not the response to the great things God dies for us. The proper responsr is that we should open our mouths is to tell all who Jesus is and what he did.
By the way, it has been day two since the shot and by George I think its working. BE BLESSED!

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