Sunday, October 9, 2011

The week in review

It was a good week. It actually went by very fast. Monday nothing exciting happened. Tuesday I went to the dentist. Had not been in a while. Have a cavity that will need a crown. Possible abscess and need to make an appointment with a oral surgeon. And have to go back Tuesday to finish the cleaning. Oh my. Wednesday normal day. Thursday was a routine day. Friday, worked. Daynon and Kennedy came by the house. Was not expecting them so it was a good surprise. Kennedy was either sleepy or not feeling well because she was not her usual jolly self. They stayed for a little while and left after Kennedy ate her apple. Steve and I went to dads. And Stevie made a surprise visit. We talked and watched TV for a while. He left. We watched TV a little then came home. Saturday cleaned house and switched my winter and summer clothes out. Went to a fund raiser for my cousin's neighborhood civic association. They had a fish fry. They gave you two pieces of fish, string beans, Mac/cheese (which I gave to Steve. Hate pasta), roll, slice of cake and a soda for $7.00. Came back home and cleaned. Cooked Mac/cheese for Sunday dinner and string beans. Daynon called wanted us to keep Kennedy. She got here a little after five or so and stayed a couple of hours. We had a good time with her. Each visit communication with her is getting better. She is growing so fast. Fed her dinner. We colored and played. I showed her the video of her mom and dads wedding. She was all up on the TV when she saw them dancing. LOL. Went to dads after she left. Watched TV. Came home. Watched All About Steve. It was a silly movie. Watched some of Saturday Night Live. Taped the rest. Went to bed. Sunday I went to church. Alone. It was nice when Sunday worship meant my husband, kids, aunts, cousin, grandparents, mom and dad were going to be there and we worshipped together. With age things change. I guess we have to adapt and not look back at what was. Jason was my church partner but he left me and went to Charlotte. Babysis is my only family church network when Steve is not there, as usual I always sit with her when I'm not singing. Anyway, after church I came home. I put some carrots, onions and a piece of beef in the crock pot last night so I did not have to cook today. yeah. Watched the movie Inception. Too confusing to me. I really do not like Leonardo DiCaprio movies. Went to see Twine. He was under isolation so we had to put gloves and a gown on. He is still slurring his speech and can not move his right side. But I know God can work miracles. Came back home and heated up dinner. Went to dads about six. Dad went to his church today and then stopped at Aunt Shelia's. He had dropped Aunt Margo there on his way to church. We watched TV over dads until nine. Came home. Watched TV. And now you are caught up and I am going to bed.

Today was Missions Day at church. The text came from
II Corinthians Chapter 5-In this text we find a job that every disciple of Jesus has is to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ. God has evaluated us and has determine we are not being the ambassadors we should be. When you accept Jesus you accept the job of being an ambassador and seeing that others are reconciled to God. We must be serious about leading others to Jesus Christ and salvation. It God's expectations that we be fishers of Christ and we must go where the lost are. We have a wonderful message to tell others. When you know him for yourself your life is so much better. We have a serious God that is faithful and provides for us and he what he wants us to do is be his representative. He keeps us even when we don't deserve to be kept. We should not hold back on being an ambassador because we might be the cause of someone not being saved and not going to heaven. If we are saved it is our responsibility.

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