Sunday, October 16, 2011

What A Fast Week

Last week went by so fast. Monday was a good day. Tuesday met Daynon and Stevie lunch time. Wednesday went to cookout for lunch. THURSDAY went back to the dentist. Mire bad news. I need a root canal. YIKES!!! Friday came really quick. Saturday I did some serious house cleaning. Got to get ready for the holidays. Got a call from my Aunt Janice. Always good to hear from her. (Love ya Auntie if u r reading). Daynon, Kennedy and Stevie were coming over so I ordered Papa John's pizza. We ate, Stevie left and then we all went to Short Pump mall. Rarely do I go up there. We then went to dad's and ate ice cream. Daynon and Kennedy headed home and Steve and I stayed a little while longer. We came home and I watched the movie The Tourist on DVD. It was a good movie. Went to bed. Sunday, went to church. Came home and picked up Steve. We went to Canoe Run Park. Stevie and Daynon play on a football team. We went to watch Kennedy while they played. It was beautiful day. Sadly they lost. Steve and I went to Joe's Inn after the game and ate a late breakfast. They have the best home fries. Came home and we both went to sleep. Too much fresh air I guess. Went to my Mom friend Viola Coleman's house. She had some clothes that were new that belonged to a friend. I bought a few things. Went to Dads. Aunt Margo was leaving when we got there. Talked briefly and then she left. We went in and watched TV for a bit and then John Thaniel came by. He visited about an hour or so then left. We stayed until about nine and then came home. Watching Pan Am right now. Going to bed. Got to get ready for a new Monday.

Here are my notes from church today. Be blessed.

Oct. 16. LUKE 5----Some times in the midst of trouble we think God has forsaken us and passed us by. We don't want the Lord to pass us by but we pass others by. We want to make sure he doesn't pass us but wevpass people all the time. Evangelism should be a every day lifestyle. Sometines we think they are unlikely candidates for Jesus Christ. Some of us wete unlikely candidates and God did not pass us by. Levi was a tax collector and they were most hated by all. They were classifieds with robbers and murderers. They could not be witnesses in court or enter synagogues. But Jesus did not pass him by. Jesus was critizied for this but Jesus said well people don' t need a Dr. sick people do. After his encounter with Jesus he got up and left everything and followed Jesus. He then gave a big banquet to honor Jesus and invited other sinners and tax collectors so they would hear about being saved. Jesus knew the type of person Levi was but he stopped for him. Someone stopped for us even though they knew who we were so we need to do the same and not pass others by.

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