Saturday, November 14, 2009

By George I believe the rain has stopped

Boy oh Boy...have we had some rain. It will be so nice to see the sun. I guess God gives us the rain so we appreciate the sun. Pretty much like our lives. If everything went our way all the time, we would not appreciate the good God has done for us. We would expect. That is pretty much like our relationships with each other. When someone does good things for you, some of us just take it for granted and expect it and not really appreciate it. Couples who have been married a long time or a short time take each other for granted. My husband of 36 years, washes clothes everyday and vacuums just about everyday. Now there are some things he does I wish he didn't do and there are some things I wish he did do like know how to cook. But I find myself not appreciating the things he does do. He is pretty much the son my Dad has never had. He helps Dad with projects and sometimes just go over there and talk or watch TV with him. I say all this is sometimes we focus on the negative and not the positive in situations. Lord knows we need the rain, but after a few days it gets depressing. But instead of focusing on the rain we should anticipate the sunshine because the rain will not last forever and neither will the trouble in our lives. So if you are going thru some rainy days, know that the Lord is going to send you that sunshine, just be patient.

I had a great week at work. Feeling like I am home. It takes awhile to adjust to a new work situation but it's all good. I even get there early and don't always leave on time. They have a birthday there every week it seems and there is cake every time. That's not good. I can't resist birthday cake...LOL

Going to stay in today and get some house work done. Meeting some former classmates for dinner tonight. That should be fun.

You all have a blessed day. I love you all and there ain't nothing you can do about it.


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