Monday, November 16, 2009

Did you see it?

It had been so long since we had seen the sun, it almost seemed like a new wonder of the world. Saturday my aim was to do a lot of house cleaning, but for some reason, when the sun isn't shining. I can't get my motor running to do house work. I just want to eat and watch TV.

Sunday morning was Men's Day at my church and Jason was doing the morning prayer. His grandmother came to church with him. And I convinced Steve to go to church....YEAH! We had a Men's Day choir formed from men of the church. Rev.Lee's goal was to get fifty men but he was only five men short at the 8am service. Don't know how many he had at eleven. It was a blessing to see all those men in that choir loft. Got to give Rev. Lee props on Thursday night for his vision. We had a guest speaker Rev. Jeffrey O. Smith and he was good.

After church, Steve and I went to Hardee's. Jason went home with his grandmother. After Hardee's, we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. And then we got the call.....our first request to babysit our grandaughter. And you know what my answer was.....YES! We rushed home so I could cook dinner and be straight by the time she got there at one. When she go here she was sleep, but Grandpa Steve won't going for that, so he preceeded to make sure she woke up. Daynon and Lynette went to the mall. She is so spoiled!!! She does not want to lay down, she wants you to hold her all the time. I put her in the carrier while we ate dinner and she started crying and Grandpa could not stand to see her cry, so you know what he did....picked her up. She seems to be getting a little bigger but she is still a little peanut.

Daynon and Lynette got back about four and stayed a few minutes and then they all left. It felt good to have a baby in the house, can't wait for the cooing and crawling and walking. As soon as they left, we got dressed, picked up Daddy and went to visit Stevie and Linda. They got new furniture for the den (AKA the Boom Boom Room) so we went over to check it out. They got a sectional that has four recliners....I like it. Also, had not been over to see Stevie's new MAC computer. Love it! I love the 24" monitor he has. I would never leave from in front of my computer with that screen...LOL. Carried a bag of Smokin' Cheddar BBQ Doritos over there that I had not opened. Love them...left the bag there because I would eat them all up. We stayed over there until about seven and went to Dad's watched TV until about 8:30 and came home.

The weather was lovely! Got to see ALL my children (Jason, Daynon, Lynette, Kennedy,Stevie,Linda) today.

Steve went to church with me. Hung out with Dad. God granted us traveling mercies to Southside and back. Sunday was a good day.

Love you all!

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