Monday, December 7, 2009

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas....

Well I finally finished putting up all my decorations. Wednesday was such a nasty day with all the rain. I was feeling tired so I did not go to Bible study. Stopped in to see Daddy. Rainy days keep him in the house so I figured I would stop in to see him. We watched TV and I went home and watched TV and went to bed.

Thursday, Daynon and I went to Cameron's on Broad Street for lunch. We shared a crab cake platter. Their crab cakes are good and there french fries are really good. We talked to Stevie for a bit on speaker phone while we were there. After work, Steve and I went to Ukrop's for dinner. After Thanksgiving, I feel like I have cooked out...LOL. I got a call after we left that choir rehearsal was cancelled because Rev.Lee's wife and son were sick. Unforutnately because of that, our Christmas Production was cancelled because he would not be able to do the rehearsals with us. We were looking forward to the Christmas production but life brings many bumps in the road and you just have to go around them and move on. Got to hang out at Dad's and watched TV.

Friday came real fast. Don't know where the week went to. Marcia called about going to lunch, so her, I and Daynon went to Jason's Deli across the street from Willow Lawn. Love their chikcen club Wrapinis. And when you eat there, you get free ice cream. It is soft serve and you serve yourself. It was good. We had a good lunch together. Daynon didn't eat. Enjoyed seeing Marcia. Her time here went by fast. I know Jason is going to miss her. Went back to work and before I knew it, it was five. Went to the monthly Po Ke No party I go to with my cousin's wife Mary and her friends. It starts at six. Everyone always bring finger food. I took ham rolls. Usually there is twelve or so but only eight showed up tonight. I enjoy this little distraction. I like playing games. We finished a little after eight. Had dropped Steve off at Dad's because the home I go to is in Dad's neighborhood. Babysis, Dad and Steve were playing dominoes. I didn't get in the game. They played until 9:30 or so. We came home after the game and watched TV.

Saturday, got up early and stripped the bed, ironed my Christmas shower curtains (which is a red sheet I made into shower curtains) and cleaned the rest of the house. It was a nasty rainy day and then it was mixed with snow, but we didn't get the good snow like they did further north in Charlottesville and Harrisonburg. Anyway, I finally sat down and watched TV and rested until about five or so and then Steve and I went to Wal-Mart to get a gift card for my Angel Tree gift. Stopped and Hawkes and picked up some fish and went to Dad's. We ate and then I finished decorating Daddy's tree. He had already put the tree up and hung the balls, I put the bows on it and then vaccumed. Then we put the lighted garland up in the den and then we all sat down. Marcia called and said her and Jason were coming by but we still had not seen herby nine so we went home. They showed up about ten fifteen and stayed a couple of hours. I got in the bed about one...exhausted.

Sunday Jason sent me a text and said his Mom had left. Her friend picked her up at 6am to go to the airport. Jason was pretty sad, so he didn't want to sing Sunday. I let him slide this time. Rev. Thompson was not at church Sunday and Rev.Lee (Our Minister of Music) preached. He did a great job regarding the pressures of life. Stopped at the store and picked up a Sunday paper. Came home, got comfortable and read the paper, watched TV and searched the web. Daddy wanted to go out to eat, so we went to Golden Coral. We had the worst waitress. Had to ask her three times for baked sweet potatoes. Then she bought them and put them on someone elses table. We finally got ours after we ate. We stopped in to see Uncle Doc and Aunt Mary before we went home. We probably stayed an hour or so. My cousin Anthony came by to see his Mom and Dad before we left and we left him there. Enjoyed our visit with them. Went to Dad's, watched TV until eight and then came home. I was tired and I wanted to wash my hair so that is why we did not stay too late. Washed my hair, watched Despearte Housewives. I don't know who is dead on that show. They did not show previews for the next show, so I guess it was the last show for the season....dag. Didn't stay up too late and then I went to bed. Oh yeah, Daynon went to the Deadskin game in DC and he got safely back. Talked to Stevie, he is a fan of the Redskins so he was not too happy with the outcome of the game.

Monday, Monday. Was not bad. Called Stevie this morning, he was still in the bed....OOOps. Work went well today. Caught up on alot. One of the oil companies we deal with sent us a trucks that looked like their tankers. These sometime become collectors items later down the road.

Today marks the one year anniversary of my cousin Timothy's death. Time goes by fast. He certainly has been missed. God wanted him with him and he does not make mistakes, so we can't be mad with him now can we. RIP you.

Jason did not have rehearsal tonight. Went home and picked up Steve and then we went to the music store to return a clarinet I had rented. My clarinet needs new pads and it was going to cost over $200.00, so I rented one because they were talking about getting a orchestra together at church. Wanted to see if I still could play. I was surprised how it came back to me. Had the clarinet for three months...they had a special for $19.00 for the three months. Three months were up so I took it back. The store was on Quioccasin Road so we rode over to the neighborhood near there with the extreme Christmas light show in their yard. It gets bigger every year, if you have never been there, you have to check it out. We left there and then went to VCC. Paid on my layaway at Sears and my Sears charge card. Stopped at Chik-Fil-A and then went to Dad's. Watched Golden Girls and then came home at nine.

So now I have updated you on everything except Kennedy. Sunday she was seven weeks old. Did not get to see her this past weekend. I think this might be the first weekend we have not visited with her. Daynon says she is getting fat. She is always eating or sleeping...the life of a baby....LOL.

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Thank you for your comments. Have a blessed day.