Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's up?

Because I have the loan of a broadband stick, I am at work with my laptop on the internet. I like the portability of having the stick, just don't like the monthly payment.

Well let's see, I last reported on Saturday, so what went on since then. Sunday was fifth Sunday, so we only had one service at ten. Because it was teen Sunday, Jason's choir sang and my choir did not have to sing....YEAH! The youth was on the pulpit and we had a young minister to preach. The teen praise dancers performed along with a newly organize mime team. They were excellent. The whole Sunday service was great. To see so many young people get up and not be afraid to serve the Lord was wonderful. The guest speaker, Rev. Jones preached on "What is your status?" referencing Facebook. He said some people act one way in certain settings...church, work...etc...and then on Facebook there is a whole other side. Marcia is here form Germany so she went to church to hear Jason's choir sing. Daddy and Steve came to church also. Praise God, Freda was strong enough to come to church on Sunday also.

Sunday was Daynon's 32nd birthday. Boy he is getting old. Because they had Kennedy out so much the last few days, he wanted us to come to his house with the cake and ice cream. Steve and I went to Wal-Mart after church, ate dinner . I put a few more decorations up and then we headed out. Stopped at Freda's to fix her stereo and then we headed to Daynon and Lynette's. Stevie, Marcia and Jason came later. Kennedy was in Daynon's arms when we got there. She is changing from week to week. She is starting to coo a little and smile. Jason has been dying to hold her, so we let him hold her. We stayed until about after eight I believe and came home. I was tired. My back and legs hurt. We watched Desperate Housewives and some more TV and then I went to bed.

Monday I got up and put some more decorations up. Had to put batteries in my little remote control characters I sit on top of the cabinets. There is four of them and they take three batteries each. Then I put batteries in all my Christmas village accessories. I use a lot of batteries at Christmas. I am not going to buy any more battery operated Christmas stuff. It gets expensive. Work was not bad after the long weekend. The day went by fast. Did not know it was raining outside. Left work a little late and it was pitch dark and nasty out, but God got me safely home.

The only leftovers we have are potato salad, string beans and turkey, so that was dinner. We went to the ATM and then to Dad's. Stayed over there and watch TV(while Steve slept). Dad and I watched Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. I have that on DVD but watch it when it is on TV too. Dad got a good laugh watching it. Came home and watched TV. I love the show Castle. Went to bed.

Now today is Tuesday. Did a little more decorating and then came to work. Turkey sandwich for lunch. Soon I am going to be tired of turkey, but not yet. I am at lunch right now, have a bout twenty more minutes and then it is back to work.

Now that you are all caught up....have a good day. I'm out.

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