Friday, December 11, 2009

Wait on the Lord

It has been a fast week. It will be 2010 before we know it. And before I can continue, Stevie I saw your comment and I love you boo. You guys are welcome to leave a comment.

What has been going on the last few days. Went to Verizon on Tuesday because my cell phone display was hanging on by a thread. I have insurance on the phone and had to go online and request a replacement phone. Got the phone on Wednesday and went back to Verizon on Thursday to get them to transfer all my info to the new phone.

My subject is wait on the Lord because that is what we should always do. I debated whether to go to bible study on Wednesday but ended up going. Glad I did. The topic was about JOY and Hope. And we talked about how we want things when we want them and how sometimes when we get them, it is not all that.

When I lost my job, it was devastating but I knew God would pull me thru. Less than a month after I lost my job, I interviewed for two jobs..One at Estes and one at HCA-Parham Road. Well because I had worked at the hospital before and my friends worked there, i decided that was the job I wanted. The pay was better than Estes, so I took the HCA job. Well as you all know, that did not pan out. A freeze was put on the job so bottom line...I did not get it. Well do you know I went ten and a half months before I got a job. I interviewed for several jobs with no luck. And lo and behold, Estes called for an interview. After almost eleven months, I got a job in the department that I was offered back in November. I believe God wanted me at Estes and not at HCA even thought that is where I wanted to be. And guess what, he made me wait for it. We should take all our wants and desires to the Lord and let him lead and guide us. Also, we had a Thanksgiving luncheon and one of the superiors waited until all of us were in the break room and then he said wanted to bless the food. And at that moment, I knew this was where God wanted me to be. A place where He is worshipped and know one is afraid to bless his name. Today we had our Christmas luncheon and when I went over to the big building for lunch, I saw a nativity scene in the lobby. And guess what, one of the higher ups BLESSED the food. Thank you Jesus. I am so glad to be in a workplace where you can say Merry Christmas without being reprimanded and the food can be blessed without consequences. The world has become so political correct and you can't say this and you can't say that. The stores might call it Holiday sales and everything else but it is the Christmas season no matter what they call their sales. I am not going to put my relationship with God in a corner. The bible says if we deny God, he will deny us. I don't want to be denied by Merry CHRISTmas to all.

I am off my soap box now. I went to choir rehearsal on Thursday. Our Christmas Production has been cancelled so we rehearsed music to sing for Christmas this month. I had dropped Steve at Dad's so I went by there and sat for a few and then we came home.

As I said previously, we had our Christmas luncheon today. Because everyone can not eat in the cafeteria at once, we ate in shifts. My building was on the first shift. We had turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, yams, mashed potatoes, string beans, rolls and cake. It was nice and the food I ate was good. My first social event with co-workers. It was nice. I work in a smaller building beside the main building, so we all walked over together. By eating lunch early, the day went by slower and I was hungry by the time I got off. Stopped at the cleaners for Daynon on the way home. Going over his house tomorrow night to babysit Kennedy...aka Buttercup. That is what Daddy has named her. ...LOL. Came home. Steve and I went to the mall and then to Dad's. Watched TV.

Oh yeah, guess what Steve found in our yard.....a dead rat. I don't mean a mouse.....A RAT!!! A huge rat. I wish I had taken a picture. It had the longest tail. It was in front our house. We were trying to figure out where it came from. On Wednesday night, we were in the car and my neighbor was standing outside and came over to the car to talk to us. He and I saw a Hawk flying over...or it could have been an owl. Anyway, we think the Hawk/Owl could have had this rat and maybe dropped him. I went on the internet and found that Owls and Hawks do prey on squirrels and rats we hope that is where he came from. Steve say a cat could have brought it to the house. Anyway, that was the first rat I have seen and hopefully the last.

Ok...going to be now. The news just said rain again on Sunday....I need to pull out my high water pants with all this rain. God bless you all and remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

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