Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's all over for this year!

Well Christmas came and it went. You prepare for weeks. You cook , clean, shop, wrap and get very little rest and when all the packages has been opened, the food eaten and every one has gone, it seems almost gloomy.
The excitement of the day is gone, but hopefully the spirit of Christmas continues all thru the year. The spirit of loving, giving and sharing should be a every day thing. Families should not wait til holidays to get together. It should be an all year thing. There were people who were with us last year and were not this year. Unfortunately, there will be some who are here this year but not next year, so we should savor the days we have with those we love. Don't wait til holidays to call on friends and family. Stay in touch all year long. In fact, I am thinking about starting a once a month family gathering, a pot luck. Pastor said this year was the year of transformation and next year is the year of manifestation. I am guilty of having good intentions but 2010 I plan to manifest those intentions.

Yesterday, I went shopping and spent my Christmas money and gift cards. Went to Dad's around three and we all went to Uncle Doc's to pay a visit, only he was not there. So we went to visit Mrs. Viola Coleman and she was not home. So I called Babysis to see if she was home, she was, but heading out to a birthday party. So we decided to go visit my friend Betty. SHE WAS NOT HOME!!!! We could not find anyone to visit, Then my dad decided to visit his cousin Thomas Kinney. He was not home, but his wife was and said he was going to be back from the store in a few, so we waited and he showed up. YEAH! We stayed for about an hour and then we checked back at Uncle Doc's. He and Aunt Mary were just pulling up. So we went full circle and ended where we started. Uncle Doc pulled out the ham and potato salad and then the cake and pie. We stayed a couple of hours talking. Had a nice time. Took Dad home about eight. We came home and watched a movie. Stevie and Linda stopped by on the way to a Christmas party at his friend John Gordon's house. They came back about eleven and picked up some leftovers. Went to be after they left.

Went to church this morning. We only had one service at ten. Jason and his grandmother came. We thought Jason's choir was going to sing today but only my choir sang. Jason was in the front of the church during the fellowship song acting silly as always waving at everyone in the choir and pretending to direct the choir. So Rev. Lee, our Minister of Music, escorted him to the pulpit to actually direct us and he did. Jason is a ham. He was dancing and directing and singing and had the whole church looking at him. Rev. Thompson made a comment after we sang that he was the future and not ashamed to give glory to God. Jason took a bow and the church gave him applause. That boy is a mess.

Came home and warmed up dinner and watched TV. Going eat in a little bit. Maybe going to visit my cousin Sharon who is home from California.

Oh yeah! It was nice to see the sun.

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