Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New year!

Christmas is gone and a new year has begun. This week at work I have been trying to get everything in the system before end of the year. The four days when by fast. The whole year has gone fast. There have been ups and down. The downs, no job. The ups, a new grand baby and a new job. But thru it all, God never left me and sustained me thru the ups and down. When things happen to you in life, it makes you reflect on what is important and what is not. This Christmas, I did not have the money I wanted to have to spend on the gifts for those I love, but you know what, Christmas was good any. My family was healthy, I was healthy (well able to move after I get by old bones warmed up), so what else could I ask for. You know what they say, money can't buy happiness and I understand that now.

Left work at 4 Thursday, came home and took my Christmas tree down. It is our tradition to take the tree down on New year's eve but the other decorations stay up. My husband believes it is bad luck to leave a Christmas tree up into the new year. I don't believe in that stuff but in 1989, I went against his wishes and left the tree up and Daynon broke his femur (thigh bone) the next day and my Mom broke her ankle the same year. Now I still don't believe in that stuff but the tree comes down on New Year's Eve....LOL.

We went out and got fish from Hawkes and Jason got dinner from McDonald's. Yes he is . He came over Wednesday with bag in hand and stated he was staying until Saturday. And he is looking over my shoulder now. Anyway, we went to church for New year's eve. The Men's choir did a concert for the first twenty minutes or so and then my choir sang during the regular part of service. The Mimes performed and so did the Praise dancers. And at midnight the service concluded and we went over to our new Multi purpose building for breakfast. The building is beautiful. We had BoJangles ham and sausage biscuits, fruit, muffins, doughnuts, coffee, tea, juice and bottled water. We ate and fellowshiped and then we took Dad home and came home ourselves. Watched a little TV and then went to bed.

I pray that all of you have a blessed, safe and prosperous New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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