Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Day of without results

Well today was the day I was to go and have my thyroid can. Got up early this morning and went to work and got there at 6:30 to make up the time I was going to lose today. Could not eat after midnight so I was starving, my head was hurting, and I was very sleepy. My plan was to catch a nap at the Dr's office because I had to take an iodine pill and then sit in the waiting room for an hour. Wellllllllllllllll, I got a call around eight that my appointment had been cancelled because the pill did not show up because of the snow. This pill cost $409.00 and is only good for one day. So I went to work early this week for nothing. Boy was I pissed. I thought I was going to get this over with and get my results of what is going on with my thyroid. So I immediately went to the lunch room in the main building and got me some breakfast. Stopped in to see Lynette but she had not gotten to work yet. Came back and ate at my desk. Boy was that bacon biscuit and hash browns good. But now my day is all screwed up. My report I do every morning takes two hours or less to generate in the morning and I had already done that, so my day draggggggggggged by. Lunch time finally came and I napped and watched The Young and the Restless. I told my boss I was leaving at three thirty and I did. Talked to Stevie on the way home, he was at work so we did not talk long. Came home and tried to nap because I was tired....didn't happen. Put the leftover chicken in the oven and watched Tyra. After Tyra went off I went to check on the chicken and it was still cold. MY OVEN WAS NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it's not one thing it is another. We think the element is gone. I really need a new oven because that one has probably been in this house when the house was built in 1964. The color of the oven door was that yellow from sixties and I painted it. Yes I painted it with black appliance paint. Turned out good. We probably will replace the element because I can't afford a new oven right now. So I had to use the faithful microwave. We ate dinner and of course now I have a attitude but God will make a way. Checked my email after dinner and then went to choir rehearsal and Steve went to Dad's. Rehearsal was over around eight thirty and then I went by Dad's to pick up Steve. Watched TV and talked to Dad and left about 9:15. Had to go to WaWa to the ATM and then we came home. Got on the computer and soon will go to bed. I am tired. Tomorrow is Friday and snow is on the way again and I still don't have any boots...LOL. Oh yeah, my next attempt to get this scan is on Tuesday. Hopefully the snow does hamper me again.

Oh yeah, Daynon sent a picture of Kennedy to me on my cell phone yesterday with her holding her bottle. The girl is too grown for her own diaper.

I'm out. God loves you and so do I.

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