Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Happy Birthday to me! On this day, the Lord blessed me to see another birthday. I am now 55 years old. Now according to what day you ask me, I might feel like 25 or 85. Yesterday was a 25 year old day. I spent the beginning of the day in the Dr's office. Let me rewind.

Was off on Tuesday but I had to get up to take Jason to his grandmother's. Daynon called to wish me Happy Birthday. Came home and watched TV until 8:30 and then went to the Dr's. My appointment was at nine. They took me back when I got there explained what was gonna go down and gave me that $400.00 pill. OK the pill was encased in thick plastic and they wanted me to swallow it....OK. Took the pill and then they used equipment to measure the iodine count in my blood stream in my neck and leg before the effects. Then I talked to the Dr. He took a Geiger counter...yes a Geiger counter, the pill is radioactive and followed the pill down my throat towards my stomach. I could see the little needle jumping. Then the ask me to sit in the waiting room for an hour. I had my IPOD so I listened to music and played games so the time went by fast. They sent me home at ten and told me I could eat then. I came home and eat. Steve was here. We watched TV until 12:30 and then headed back to the DR's to get there at one. They took me back at one and put me on a table to scan my neck. The scan took seven minutes. I was laying in a darken room with jazz music playing. Could not swallow or move while the machine was scanning. After the scan they sent me to the waiting room. Ten minutes later the Dr called and said my cyst was very very small and he felt there was nothing to worry about. I have to go back in September for him to check. Good news on my birthday. No medications, no biopsy, no surgery....Thank you Lord.

Went to my job because I was told a box had come there for me. It was a gift from Germany from Marcia. It was wicker tower with toiletries and scented candle. Loved it. Stevie called me to wish me Happy Birthday. We then headed to the DMV had to renew my license by 2/16. It was a zoo there. We were there an hour or more. They only give you a temporary license and mail you the permanent license now. Stopped in at Dad's for a few. Then we went home to eat. Left home about 6:30 went to Wal-Mart and then back to Dad's. Watched American Idol and then came home in time to see LOST. Made my snack of nuts and raisin and bag them up in ziplock bags after I mixed them up. Took my shower and went to bed.

Thanks to all for my birthday wishes. We will celebrate my birthday this weekend.

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