Monday, February 15, 2010


Hope you all had a Happy Valentine's day yesterday. I went to church at 8. Had to sing. Is was marriage ministry Sunday and all the spouses set together. After we sang, we sat in the congregation so the choir members could set with their spouse. I sat with some of the choir members because my spouse was not there. We had a meeting after church regarding the rental fees for the new multi purpose building. Went home to eat breakfast because I had to go back and sing at 11. When I got home I saw Steve had his clothes out to go to church with me....YEAH! I was very happy that he was going to church with me. We went back to the second service. Pastors sermon was from I Corinthians chapter 13. The title of his sermon was 'Love is tough work". He talked about how when people come to him and want him to marry them and how happy they are and then they get married and life sets in. They some times do not understand that marriage is not going to be a fairy tale every day. There are some ups and downs but if the marriage is based on biblical love and not romantic love. Romantic love is what brings you together but biblical will keep you together. He said commitment, sacrifice and service are the things real love is about. It was a good Valentine's sermon. All engaged couples should have been there to here that message and some married couples needed to hear that.

After church, we went to the $5.oo car wash. When we got to the middle of the car wash and all the brushes were in front and behind the car, we got stuck. We jerked at first and I thought we hit the car in front of us.
The attendant came and stopped the wash and told Steve to turn the wheel and then we got to rolling again. Was a little scary.

We went home and relaxed and watched TV. Called Daynon to see if they were home, we wanted to go see Kennedy but they were not at home. Talked to Stevie, he said he wanted to see Kennedy also. Hadn't heard from Daynon so we got dressed to go over Dad's. We were about to walk out and Daynon called, so we had a change of plans and went to Daynon and Lynette's. Stevie and Linda were in the midst of cooking so they couldn't go since it had gotten so late. Daynon was not at home when he called and when we got there, he was not at home. They pulled up about five minutes after we got there. Kennedy was sleep but woke up when Daynon put her in the swing. Thought she would wake up in a bad mood but she woke up smiling. She has changed so much since I last saw her. Because of the snow it has four weeks since we had seen her. She is really developing a personality. Laughing and talking up a storm. And she is definitely a little Butterball now. We hung out and played with her and Daynon showed us how DJ Hero works on WII and then he and I played Price is Right. I smoked him. We headed back to our side of town and went by Dad's and watched TV with him. Came home and watched Extreme House Makeover. Tyler Perry was on there. It was two hour show. I cry every week when I watch this show. Went to bed. The End

Today, I went to work. Nothing exciting went on today. Just my normal routine. Jason was coming over today because of choir rehearsal. Talked to Stevie on the way home. I stopped and picked up pizza. Jason was here when I got home. We ate the pizza and got ready to go. Went to the ATM first and then took Jason to church. We went to Dad's. Steve went and picked Jason up and bought him back to Dad's so he could see Daddy. We stayed for a few minutes and then we headed home. Stopped at 7-11 to get a Fanta orange soda for Jason and then came home. Got Jason's bath water running. He ate pizza after his bath and then went to bed. I am watching Castle and I am ready to got to bed myself.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be 55......the speed limit. I need that rest now I am getting older.
I thank God for every birthday I see. Each day is a blessing. It's like a gift everyday. Thank you God!

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