Saturday, February 13, 2010

We dogged the bullet today

Well we only got a dusting today like they promised. Got up a little before eight and looked out the window. The car was covered and it was not snowing. It started snowing later on a little fine snow, but it did not add up to anything. Was in a lazy mood today. Stripped my bed and freshened my blanket and made the bed. Cleaned the house and watched TV. We have some 3 Three Stooges DVDs and we watched them. Got up and cleaned the house a little more. Then we showered and dressed around five thirty and went to the post office and then to ATM. Left there and went to Ukrop's. My Aunt Shelia sent me a gift card and we needed apples, so we went there and got apples, bananas and some nuts. I love Ukrop's fruit, never disappointed. I love fruit, but if I get a bad piece of fruit, I am turned off for awhile and will not eat any.

Went to dad's after we left the store. When we got there, Babysis and Juiny Boy were there. Babysis wanted to play dominoes, so Steve took Juiny Boy to his truck because he had to meet some friends. When Steve got back we played dominoes until ten. I beat them good. Won 13 games I believe. Daddy had 8, Babysis had 9 and Steve had 4.

Came home, ate some nuts and watched TV. Watching Wanda Sykes....she is crazy. She went to Hampton University with my Pastor.

Good night to you all. Find a church to attend tomorrow...cause God is good.

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