Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Spring where are you

I will never complain about the hot weather again. No matter how hot it gets, you still can ventured out wherever you want. You may not want to stay outside very long when it is really hot. But when you got snow and ice on the ground they way we have been having it, you are sometimes limited to where you might go because of the danger of an accident or because it is just too cold. It has been years since we have had a snow like this that and it just doesn't go away. The snow has been around so long now that it almost seems normal like grass.....LOL. Hope the ice is to a minimal tonight.

Went to work early today. Got there about 7:30. Putting in time that I will lose on Thursday when I go get my scan done. Have been doing end of period work the last few days so my work has been backed up. But I caught it up today. Ate lunch at my desk,watched the Young and the Restless. Talked to the glass man. Fixing my windshield on Friday.

The day went by pretty fast. When I left work, it was sleeting/raining. Came home and fixed dinner and watched Joe Brown. We left home about 6:3o and went to the ATM and then to Dad's. Only stayed until 8:30 so I could get home in time to see LOST.
Came home and watched Lost and Jay Leno's last show. NBC does not have any idea what they are doing. Heading to bed now.

May God bless you and keep you.

Love ya and there is nothing you can do about it.

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