Thursday, February 25, 2010

We dodged the snow this time

I was a little disappointed this morning to see there was no snow on the ground. The snow puts a little diversity in the daily routine of life....LOL. I went to the Dollar tree in Willow Lawn today and they have a big pile of snow still hanging around. You know old folks say the snow waits around for another snow. We will see. We did have a snow last year on March 2, so we are still not out of the woods yet. Came home after work today and warmed up dinner and then went to choir rehearsal. IT WAS COLD OUT THERE TONIGHT! I pulled out the gloves, hat and scarf.....the works. Was feeling very tired tonight so was glad when rehearsal was over. Came home and watched Survivor. Russell has got to go.....he is a snake. And James use to be my boy, but this is his third appearance and he has gone Hollywood. I use to like him but he has a different attitude this time around. Watching CSI now and then I am going to bed after this goes off.

Be blessed. And may God send you all that you need and want.

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