Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Catch up time

The last time I wrote, I was not feeling well and it got worst. The Dr said it was viral infection but after another call on Monday the 15th, they finally gave me an antibiotic. And by Wednesday, things were making a turn for the better. The coughing attacks were the worse. It was like dry heaves. Because I was ill I missed two beautiful Saturdays where I could do holiday cleaning.

Last Thursday my dad's sister Shelia was taken to the hospital ER and the admitted her. She is doing well and has to have Rehab. I know God is going to bring her back fully. Keep her in your prayers. We can never have too much prayer.

Last Weekend I was able to get started on my holiday cleaning. Got a lot done. On Sunday, I went to church and then I came home and made coconut and sweet potato pies.

Kennedy is doing well. Have not seen her in over a couple of weeks so I can't wait to see her Thursday.
I don't get to see her as often as I wish. Wish they lived on this side of town.

Gonna make my cake tonight. Have not decided what kind yet.

Love you all. Have a blessed day.

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