Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm Back

It's been a while since I last blog. Sine I last wrote my Aunt Shelia has been doing therapy and is staying with my Aunt Yvonne since her stroke. My Uncle Windor went in the hospital for a day or two but he is doing good. My Aunt Mary went in the hospital Easter Sunday and shd is now in a Rehab facility. We are praying she goes home soon. Dad was diagnosed with glaucoma and cataracts. His driving is limited to sunny day driving only. Second visit to the Dr. was last Friday and the Dr said the cataracts have grown but not enough fo surgery yet, so he goes back in November. So keep all of the above in your prayers.

Now on to Miss Kennedy. She started walking back in December and has been rolling every since. She is talking up a storm. She can say a lot of words and says her name very well. My grandaughter the genius. She has a personality and is sooooo lovable. She will be two in Oct. Don't know where the time has gone.

Jason has graduated to the eighth grade. Man I remember when he was Kennedy's age. He lives in Charlotte, NC now and we miss him so. He is coming to visit us in a few weeks. Can't wait.

I am still with Estes. Things are going well.

The family got together for the fourth. Because of the threat of rain we celebrated at my house instead of dads because we had more inside space for everyone. The rain did not spoil our day. Because it was so hot, majority of us stayed inside. I think cookouts should be done in the winter. No heat, no flies or mosquitos. Hope u had a great 4th.

On a sad my daugher n law Lynette lost her mother Queen. She was such a sweet vibrant person. I loved her after our first meeting . She was the type of person u felt like u had known all your life. She will be greatly missed. I am sorry Kennedy will grow up not being in her presence. We know God does not make mistakes. He gave us memories of her that will last forever.

Take care all. Love every minute of everyday and do not take for granted the people in your life b/c God might call them before we r ready to let go. Love you all.

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