Friday, July 22, 2011

July is almost gone.

As soon as I posted my blog last night, a call came from Dad saying Uncle Doc took Aunt Mary to the hospital because she was acting fainty. But all praise be to God they sent her home. Suspect she was not getting enough fluids. I was glad to see the text this morning ny cousin Angela sent about 2:30. After that good news, I knew the day would be a good one. Went to work. Stayed inside for lunch...too hot. Came home, went to Dad's when he called and said he was back from Uncle Doc's. When we pulled in his yard, the daughter of Dad's neighbor Mrs. Lockwood. Her name is Margaret. She told us her Mom was in the hospital in ICU. But she was doing good. She has nodules on her brain and they were bleeding. But I know my God is a healing God. In Mathew he says ask and it shall be giving. So I am asking you to pray and ask for healing for her and my Aunt Mary. I thank u in advance.

After, Margaret left, we watched TV. Were in the middle watching Wipeout and the door bell rings. It was Marcia and Jason. What a surprise. Jason has actually gotten taller. They are only here til tomorrow and then they are heading to DC for a family reunion. They visited for a little while, went to Martin's and they followed us home because Jason left Charlotte without his phone charger. Because I throw nothing electronic away, I was able to hook him up. Jason is going to stay up north with his godmother for a week and then he's coming to Richmond for two weeks. They left and I popped pop corn and then watched BIG BROTHER. Watched the news, and fixed a hot cup of green tea. Trying to set up until I am tired. Have not been sleeping good. I have been tossing and turning for hours. David Letterman is on now. Gonna watch him for a few and then off to bed. Wish me luck. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. moma nisey is a hoarder!!! I've never seen so many electrical gadgets in one drawer...EVER! LOL but thanks for hooking my baby up--he knew you would :)


Thank you for your comments. Have a blessed day.