Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July is on the way out

I can not believe this month is almost over. Once July comes and go, the rest of the year flies by. When I was young summer seemed to last forever. Christmas will be here before you know it.

Yesterday, Daynon and I went to Sweet Frog at lunch time. I love frozen yogurt. If you have not been, you need to check it out. I had a sample of chocolate, peanut butter and cookies and creams with nuts on it. LOVED IT! We went to the one in Carytown. After work, went home, worked out on my WII, went to Dads, watched TV and back home.

Today, went to work. Decided to do something different for lunch today. Went to th VA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS. I enjoyed it. They had a giant replica of a whale. It was neat. Enjoyed checking out the different rooms. Only got to check out one of the three or four floors there and I still didn't see everything. It was a change of pace. Got to walk around and exercise in the a/c. The museum is beautiful inside and the grounds were beautiful. There is so much to see. Will have to go back another day.

Nothing exciting at work today. Talked to Daynon and Stevie today. Came home, caught up on Y&R while Steve was washing the car. When he came in, we went to Wal-Mart bought a few things and then went to Subway. All the sunday leftovers were gone because I did not cook a big dinner. Got a chicken/bacon sub. I love a good sandwich. We went to Dads and watched Cedric's new show "Its Worth What"? Came home, watched Americas Got Talent. Bout to go to bed now. Be Blessed!

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