Thursday, July 28, 2011

Outside singing engagement

OK. Yesterday went to work. Was not feeling the tuna I had for lunch so I went to Arby's and got a chicken sandwich. Left work a little early because my choir was singing at a church off Williamsburg Road, Christian Deliverence. Our Pastor preached. Steve dropped me off at the church and went down the street to Violet's Field. Daynon was playing kick ball there and Stevie, Lynette and Kennedy was there. They won with a undefeated season. His team was called Jimmny Kickits. Cute name. Their game ended up the same time church service did so that worked out great. Steve picked me up and we went to Country Kitchen Doughnuts on Williamsburg Rosario. If you have never been there before, Don't go.!! The doughnuts are sooo good. Unfortunately the inventory was low so we only gotcha couple. They are open 24 hours a day. If you like cake doughnuts, this is the place to go. We headed to Dads. I put his drops in his eyes every night because he says he has a hard time doing it. Came home. Watched the news and went to bed.

Did not want to get up this am. But I remember the days I did not have a job so up and at em I went. Today my coworker bought in a cream cheese dip and crackers, a vendor bought Country Kitchen doughnuts and another Co worker gave me a Sprite. Can not lose weight working with all these " pushers". LOL. The day was long and by afternoon I was getting really sleepy. Talked to Daynon. Finally five o'clock came. Talked to Marcia on the way home. Finally home. Stretched out in the recliner and took a nap. Talked to Stevie for a little bit. Steve and I went to Martin's and ate dinner. Bought a chocolate bar cake for Aunt Mary and Uncle Doc. Stopped by to see them for a little bit. Dee, Anthony, Aunt Margo, Becky were there when we got there. Tyrone came before we left. Went to Dads. Watched the Orioles game for a little bit. Then came home. Watching Big Brother. Going to bed as soon as this goes off. Be blessed!!

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