Sunday, July 24, 2011

So today I

Went to church. On the 4th Sundays, my choir sing and,we sing @ 8 & 11:00 services. Today's sermon was from Acts 16 and was about Paul and Silas' being throw in jail. Pastor's subject was "Locked up but Liberated". Here are my notes:

Because of the word, it is clear that God will never leave us. V. 25 shows us the starting point of God's plan to liberate us. V26 gives us the clarity of that plan. Even in the midst of problems that have you locked up you can still feel liberated. Paul and Silas were in a physical jail but spiritually they were free. Paul commanded the demons to come out the slave girl who followed them and was constantly doing fortune telling. When he did this, her owners became mad at her demon liberation and that is why Paul and Silas were throw in jail. Real liberation is on the inside. Starting point liberation is seeing beyond your current situation and knowing that God is able. It is putting the whole armour of God and knowing you can make it thru anything. When you are in starting point liberation you don't let what you are going thru keep you from seeing the end result. Paul & Silas pressed beyond their belief. They were severely beaten. Even in their pain they praised God. We must Thank God for his grace. Even though Paul & Silas knew who was against them they did not forget who was for them. When you live for Christ it sometimes make people mad. We have to be careful where our focus is. It should be on who is for us and not our enemies who are against. If God is for us, who can be against us. They wanted their jailers to know that they were victors and not victims. If you believe on the name of Jesus Christ you will be saved.

I think the message was what I needed to hear. After church, I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few things. Came home and fixed dinner. Made mac and cheese, BBQ chicken and string beans. Took a nap while everything was cooking. We ate dinner, I xleaned up the kitchen then we went over dads. We watched TV. Left Dads about nine and then came home. Watched the new show same name. Cute show. I am watching the old TV show SOAP on Antenna TV. I use,to love that show back in the day. I am sleepy. Going to bed after Soap. Hope you had a great day. Be blessed.

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