Sunday, July 17, 2011

Just go with the flow

You wake with plans of how u think your day is going to go and sometimes things go really haywire, but today was not that kind of day.

Woke up every hour on the hour, until finally it was time to get up. Was TIRED! Yesterday wore me out. Nothing fit that I wanted to wear or it wasn't washed. Finally thru something on and went to the am service at my church. Pastor's sermon was about envy. Check out my notes.

I Peter chapter 2 v1
Peter was presenting a challenge for the people not to be bitter but better.
A rough time is no a sign to give up but to be challenged. Laying aside is a way of getting rid of things that should not be on a Christian. It's like havng dirty clothes on that we should shed. Envy is a desire to have something that someone else has. It is a distraction and a complete waste of time. Envy is said to be the last sin to die. Sometimes we ask for stuff and we really don't know what we asking for. We don't always know what a person had to go thru for the things we are envious of. Envy is everywhere. There are those who have envy in our church, our friends and even their family. God says take off envy and lay it aside. Envy will eat you alive from the inside out, make you go backwards instead of forward, make u bitter instead of better. That is why we must love our sisters and brothers when they are going thru rough times. All things are possible to him that believes. We can be born again of the spirit and have the our hearts and minds be changed. Once you know who Jesus is, you must must be Holy because he is our heavenly Father. The word Holy means to be different or set apart. To be Holy is to understand we must do what God says and we can do all things thru Christ. Sometimes help is needed to take envy off and that is the word of God. You are saved by the Word of God and the Word of God lasts forever. The Bible is only book that reads you as you read it. It sees your weaknesses and down falls. We need to read a Word from God every day if it is only a verse. It is like vitamins. The effects might not take effect immediately but after a period of time, it starts to take effect. Sometimes we miss out on a feast from the Lord because we settle for a sandwich from the world. The graciousness of the Lord is not an excuse for us to be lazy. God is good and he is kind and he is able to meet any situation. Check your "clothes" .if your clothes are dirty, lay them aside.

After church, I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few groceries. Got home, and Steve Jr called. Daynon and his family were coming over and they were going to cook burgers and dogs, so Steve and I went over. Daddy was in Montpelier and he was visting with his sisters and he said he was going to be up there for a while, so we went without him. If I had more notice I would have cooked something. Only had time to make a cake and took some hot dogs I had in the freezer. Linda's sister and her 1 year old came over also. I always enjoy being with my family. This may sound corny, but being an only child, I use to dream of being married, having kids and grand kids. God blessed me with something no amount of money can buy, a loving family. Don't get it twisted, they are not perfect and neither am I. But I would not trade none of them for nothing in this world. Miss Kennedy is a typical toddler. In to everything. NO, YES and MINE are her favorite words. Oh to have her energy again. Linda's nephew is about 14 months old and is new to walking. He still has that Fred Sandford walk...LOL. We headed back across the river and went to Dad's. His friend Twine was there. We sat out talking to him. I left them outside and went in to watch Big Brother. Went home about nine. Came home and watched The Town. Will have to finish watching it tomorrow. It's 10:45 now.

Be blessed!!!

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