Sunday, July 31, 2011

Never make plans

You go thru life not only living the day but planning the days ahead. But truly our plans are not always written in stone. Sometimes God has other plans. This weekend I was going to do extensive house cleaning, that was the plan. Friday I was going to chill because my plan was not to do yard sales on Saturday because it was suppose to be hot. Slept until 8:00 on Saturday which is late for me and I was feeling mighty slow. Did a few things around the house. Steve was outside cleaning his newly obtained Honda so I went outside to watch him and it actually felt good outside. He vaccumed the car and I cleaned the interior. I think I got a little over heated because I started feeling a little bad so I immmeditely went in to cool off. Decided to cook breakfast and Steve came in to eat. Cleaned up a little more and then we went to the post office and then to the bank. Stopped at dads to dropped something off. Dad was gone to a funeral. I watered dads petunias they looked near dead. Headed back home to finish cleaning. I had taken curtains down in the guest room/Jason's and washed them, so I ironed them and hung them back. Around five, Steve told me to shower and get dress because he wanted to go The Cookout to eat....big spender...LOL. So off we went. Called dawdle to see if he wanted to ride, he said no but bring him a double cheeseburger back. We ate on the patio sine the weather was decent. Got dads Burger and headed to his house. We were able to sit on the patio and did so until it rained. Went in the house, watched TV and then came home. Watched more TV. Went to bed

Because it was fifth Sunday, we only had one service. Steve went to church with me. YEAH!!!! While in churrch, got a text from my cousin Michelle. Her dad, my dad's brother was taken to emergency room. My dad was at his church in Montpelier and I knew he was going to stop at his sister's after church. Call there to tell him about uncle Windor. Steve and I went to Wal-Mart. When we got out the store Dad was home. Knew he wanted to go to the hospital but his driving is limited because of the cataracts and glaucoma so I told him we would be there to pick him up and soon as I put the groceries away. We picked him up and headed to the hospital. Was shocked to see Stevie there when we got there. He had already been in to see everyone. I had texted him about Uncle Windsor so he stopped on his way to work. When we went in Michelle, Earl and Aunt Beaulah was there and their Pastor. After many test they could not determine what was wrong with him so they were going to send him home but Michelle put a stop to that. He needed more care at the hospital. We were at the hospital until after eight. Carried Dad home. We all were starving when we got home. No one had had dinner. Put Dads drops in and headed home. We fixed some sandwiches and watched SAME NAME and Big Brother on TV. It is now 11:45. Need to go to bed. Good night.

PS talked to Jason and he will come to stay a few days with us on Saturday.

Have a blessed day.

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