Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It's Catch up time

Went to work early. Making up time because I am getting off early Thursday to go the funeral of Jim Preast. My uncle Windor doing better. Dad went over to see him. Ate lunch in the break room and watched Y&R. Came home. Watched the news. Later Steve and I went to Martins and then we went to Dads. Talked to Jason. He was at his Nanna's. Came home and bowling on Wii. Watched King of Queens. Love that show. Went to bed.

Went in early. My Co Worker had bought two dozen. Doughnuts. Not good. I needed something to get me out of the funk I was in. I get depressed over my finances And then what brings me around us there are people which have lost their jobs and still don't have one. Their cars are being possessed. Homes foreclosed. So I then think no matter how hard things are, I have s lot to be thankful for. So thank you Lord for All you have done for me. But getting back to my day. Everything that coould go wrong at work today did. But I made it thru that. Daynon And I went to meet an ex Co worker who has two acres of watermelons in King William. He met us on Azalea Ave. They were huge. Headed back to work and ate my lunch and caught some of Y&R. After work, I stopped at Walmart. Had to make a cake for a baby shower at Daynon's job. Came home and made the sheet cake and then went to dads. While we were there, my cousin Sissy called. She was in my neighborhood trying to find my house. Told her where we were and she came over. She had bought another car. A cute
Little VOLVO. She didn't stay long. Her granddaughter and a friend of hers was with her. We left soon after because I had to frost and decorate the cake. Started making the frosting and realized I did not have any vanilla. It was 9:40. I went to CVS but they had imitation vanilla. No way. So I went to 711. No Luck there. Went back to Dads. He had some. Came back home finished the frosting. It was after midnight before I went to bed.

Went to work early. Daynon stopped by on his way to work to pick up the cake. Kennedy was with him. She did not seem happy to see me. LOL. Left work at 11:30. Stopped at home for a few and then went to the church for Rev Preast funeral which is at one. I got there ten after 12 and the church was packed. It was a nice service. One of our former Pastors Wendell Johnson did a great eulogy. Stevie, Dad and I sat together. Did not go to the cemetery. Stevie had to go back to work so Steve and I went to the repast. Left the church and headed to DMV to get license for the Honda. Stopped by Dads. He was cutting grass. Bought him a plate from church. Came home and got comfortable. Was watching Y&R and the doorbell rang. It was Kennedy and Daynon. They stayed for awhile. Always enjoy a visit from Kennedy. Oh yeah, Daynon too. LOL. After they left, went to the ATM and then to Dads. Came home and watched the rest of Y&R and Big Brother. It is now 11:28. Need sleep. Be blessed.

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