Wednesday, August 17, 2011

caught up

Its hard enough to remember what I did today let alone a few days ago. So I am going to try and keep up.

Woke up and surprisingly, my leg felt good. Got ready for work. Stopped at the post office to gets stamps to mail Steve's statements off to his customers. Got to work a few minutes early. The day went smoothly. We had a company wide meeting today. We were told the company has been doing well this year and if it continues to prosper this year, we will get a raise in January. YEAH!!! I pray that happens. I had to take a job after I was laid off that paid about six dollars a hour less than what I was making. And I have been there two years next week with no increases. But as you all know the price of gas and everything else has been steadily going up and my bills did not go down. Being without a job is tough. Unemployment checks was chicken change compared to my previous salary. And when you do finally get a job, you are trying to dig out a whole. I say all this not to complain because I thank God for all I have had to go thru and even though I am still struggling, he always see me thru. I also mention it because if you know someone who is without a job and you are blessed. Send them a love offering, or gift card or groceries. You can do it anonymously. You would be surprised how the smallest blessing would help them. I thank God for my dad and sons for all they have done to help us. I know I am going to get back what the devil stole from me.
OK I got off track. The rest of my work day went by fast. Was a little sleepy though. Stopped at Domino's and got a pizza. It has been a long time since I had one of their pizzas. Got Bacon onion green peppers. It was good. Got in a little nap. Went to Lowe's and got filters for the a/c. Went to dads. Called my friend Ruby who lives in Florida. It was her birthday today. She is "21" today. .not .LOL. I might be killed if I tell her real age. We talked for about thirty Minutes. While we were sitting on the patio it started to drizzle so we went in. Watched Minute To Win It some of America's Got Talent. Put Dad's eye drops in. My leg had the nerve to start hurting. Aaagh!! Came home. Watched Big Brother. Now I am sleepy. Good night. BE BLESSED!

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