Sunday, August 21, 2011

my weekend

I woke up at 6:30. Laid there a few minutes and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up about 6:45. Steve was already up watching the news. Went thru my mail that had piled up on the desk. You really get a lot of junk mail everyday and they keep talking another recycling. I know I get something in the mail from Comcast or Verizon everyday. Daynon called and Steve and I got to talk to Kennedy on speaker phone. After shreding old Bills and throwing out junk mail it was nine by then. I was watching the news while I was doing this. Fix breakfast and then sat out on the patio for a while. Did my usually chores that I could do. Leg still holding me back. Aaaagh! Steve said he was going to the post office at one, so I finished wiping out the fridge and put my riding shoes on. Anything to get out the house. Went to the ATM. Was heading to dads and saw him at Mega Mart. He was going to Kroger's. So he left his car there and we all went. I had to get my white popcorn. Walmart doesn't sell it. Carried dad back to his car and then came home. Took a nap. Finished the rest of my house work while Steve washed the car. We showered up and picked Dad up and went to visit Aunt Mary and Uncle Doc. Angela and her daughter Christy was there. Visited for about a hour. Took dad home and put his drops in and then went home. Popped some popcorn watched the movie NSECURE. Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey show was in the movie. It was a low budget movie and the acting was horrible but the plot kept your interest. Went to bed after the news.

Got up to get ready for church. Could hardly walk. Had to use the broom to walk around. Thank God Steve decided to go to church, so holding on to him made it easier to walk. We stopped at Hatreds and ate breakfast. Went home and got comfortable. Put a ice pack on my leg and propped my leg majority of the day and read the Sunday paper. Watched an old Jerry Lewis movie and a movie called No Country for Old Men. This won several awards and I don't see why. It was a crazy movie and ended crazy. Talked to Stevie. He and Daynon play on a football team and just left practice. Went over Dads. Leg was feeling better but still walking gingerly because I never know when I will get the twinge. Stayed until nine. Came home and watched Big Brother and the King of Queens. News on now. Need to go to bed.

Oh yeah. Here are notes from Pastor's sermon today.

Mathews 7:7-12 This was the sermon on the Mount. Jesus says in verse 12 whatever you want people to do unto you , you should do unto them. It is commonly called the Golden Rule. He was talking to his diciples but the same is true for us. The Golden Rule for us is God's standard for Kingdom living.

As disciples of God we should:
1. do the right even if the right thing doesn't happen.

2. Do the right thing even if we don't do it right the first time.

3. Do the right thing even though there are difficulties in your life.

Sometimes we miss what God has for us because we are too busy watching what others do. We should not let a failure keep you down. God gives many chances for do overs until we get it right. Difficulties try to keep you from doing the right thing. when difficulties push we have to push back with praise. When you praise, God is going to be bigger than what you are going thru.

Be blessed.

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