Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Whole lot of shaking going!!!

OK. I bet I am not the only one who didn't see this coming. I got up and as I do every morning, I Watched the news. Trying to keep up with what's going on with Hurricane Irene. Where she is. How strong she is and what's her path. Left for work. The weather was lovely this am. Turned the heat in my car just to take the chill off. My supervisor called in sick today. Stayed busy. Took my usual break at ten and always call Daddy. Talked to Stevie this am. He met Daynon at his job to pickup. KENNEDY. She had a appointment at a dermatologist today and Stevie was on vacation and took her there at 11:15. Daynon and I met Stevie and Kennedy at the Cookout for lunch. We found some shade and ate our lunch. The weather was beautiful and I always love being with my kids and especially Miss Kennedy. To my refer had to go back to work. Now here is when thee day went the opposite way. Had not been at my desk twenty minutes when I felt the building tremble. But the scary part was the tremble was progressively getting worse. I panicked. Did not know what to do. Was about to get under the desk when I heard a herd of people hitting the steps. My department is on the top floor of the three story. So I quickly hit the steps also. My coworker who wears 6 inch heels was hot on my heals. My heart was in my throat. At the moment I was evacuating, I thought of the persons in the twin towers on 9/11 and I imagine the emotions they must have felt in that tall building and wondering to themselves would they make it out. I felt that today. I had no idea what the outcome would be. I thank God things worked out for me and all affected. I ran out the building so fast, I forgot my glasses, my keys, my cell phone. Those that brought their phones couldn't get thru. When they let us back in the building I called my family. Called Daynon. They evacuated their building. We called STEVIE on three way and him and Kennedy were good. Jason felt it in Charlotte NC. But here is the kicker. My dad and Steve were together. I called to see if they were all right and Steve asked why. THEY NEVER FELT IT. They were in the car taking my Aunt Shelia to the Dr's. All I can say is that Cadillac must give you a smooth ride even in earthquakes. Cadillac should use that as a commercial. Any way, the rest of the day was shot for me. Was leaving at 3:15 for a Dr's appointment. I was told a had a strained hip flexor muscle. Heat and Aleve was the prescription. Got to dads and waited for him and Steve to come back. Pictures had fallen of the entertainment unit at dads. When they got home they were shock to see all the earthquake stories on the news. We left and went to my cousins house to water her flowers while she is away. Went to Walmart to buy groceries. The kids are all coming tomorrow to celebrate Stevie and Lynette's birthday. Stooped at dads to pick Steve's car up. He went home. I put dads eye drops in then went home. Made a cake. Prepared some of tomorrow's dinner and set table. Sat down for a bit and now I am too tired to get up and finish the job. It is late. Think I will finish in the morning. Good night to all. And please cherish every moment of life God gives you and cherish those around you. Be blessed.

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