Monday, September 12, 2011

Good News/Bad News

Beautiful morning. Left home early this morning. Stopped at Walmart to get some things for lunch and snack for work. Keep peanut butter on hand for my afternoon pick up. I eat a spoonful and I'm good to go. Got to work on time. Ate lunch in the car, tuna and crackers. Watched Y&R. The rest of the day went quickly. Came home and took a short nap. Got a call from my cousin Babysis, her sister-in-law Gloria past out and was taken to the hospital. After several tests, they found out she has a blood clot in both lungs. It seems they are hereditary in their family. Please keep her in your prayers. Ate dinner, wet to the ATM and then to dad's. Watched the Weather Channels show on storms and mudlides and flooding. The power of the wind and water is amazing. Dad called my Aunt Marion in NY. We talked to her for a bit. Put dad's drops in and then came home. Watched TV. Have been playing Scrabble online with Daynon. He beat me again. Maybe next I will get him. Currently we have three games going.

Have a blessed night!

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