Monday, September 12, 2011

Tuesday-Sunday (Readers Digest Version)

Okay. Tuesday was just another day. Went to work. Had choir rehearsal. Boy was it raining cats and dogs. Steve Jr who had been to New York to a mini vacation got back. Wednesday work and home. Nothing exciting. Went to dad's. Thursday. Work. Dropped Steve at dads. Went to choir rehearsal. Then home. Friday. Work. Daynon called to see if we were doing anything that night. He and Lynette were going to the movies and wanted a baby sister. To be honest, if we did have plans, we would have changed them for the opportunity to keep Kennedy. Love love love hanging with the little princess. When she is around all the aches, pains and problems of the world disappear. We stopped at Stevie's job and he followed us to Daynon's. Daynon was there but Lynnette and Kennedy pulled up while we were in the yard. We sat and talked for a bit, then we all left. Steve, Kennedy and I went to Martin's and got dinner and took it to dad's. We played with the ball and stacked dominoes. Well actually Kennedy knocked them down. We went home. Will getting Kennedy in her pus, got a call from my best friend Betty called and said a childhood friend was killed in a drag racing accident. I was in complete shock. Bert Jackson was such a nice Guy. Kennedy's mom and dad picked her up and I got in the internet to verify if the news of Bert's death was true. Unfortunately it was. Went to bed but could nit sleep for awhile. News like that just takes you back. Finally went to sleep. RIP Bert.

Saturday. Decided I was going to start each weekend doing projects around the house. Getting these straight before the holidays get her. They will be here before you know it. Fixed a crack in the wall behind the washing machine and painted the wall. Cleaned the house. Went to VCC to use some JC Penny's gift cards I got thru reward points at my bank. Saw my cousin Babysis in the nail shop. She gave me another gift for JC penny's. I watered her flowers for her while her and her husband Juiny Boy were in New York. She has a botanical garden of flowers. I told her I didn't want anything but she did it anyway. Bought a few things. Steve sat out in the mall. When I came out of the store Daynon, Kennedy and Lynette were out there. Talked to them for a few. While we were talking a ex co-worker/friend from my last job,Dometic, walked up. It was Tonia Wilson. Had not seen her in a while. We sat and talked for a few. Was good to see her. Went to dad's after we left the mall. Sat on the patio and later went in to watch TV. Cane home. Watched TV a bit. Went to bed.

Today was homecoming at my church. Only one service at ten today. The mass choir sang, so I had to sing. Dad and Steve came to church today. Love looking out and see family. After service, dinner was served. Food was good and there was plenty of it. Came home. Dad went to Montpelier to visit his sisters. I hit the recliner. Watched the movie Shutter Island. Crazy movie. Got dressed and went to Walmart. Picked up a few things to take to Bert's wife. Picked up dad and went to see Vaness. She was holding up well. Her sister Sandra who is a member at my chuch and a few others were there. We sat and talked for a little bit. We then went to visit Bert's mom. A lot of his cousins and aunts, brother and friends were there. His brother and he were close. He and his brother were close so I know this is going to be hard for him and the rest of the family. My prayers are with them. We stayed for a little while. Went to dad's. Watched TV. Wached a documentary on 9/11. It is still painfully to think of all the casualties. To watch people hanging Oh of the windows and jumping. That scene brings so many emotions up. Came home. Watch TV. About to go to bed.

The events of this weekend have had my emotions all over the place. From the joy of my granddaughter to the death of someone who is in your age group to all the 9/11 stories . It should make us realize how precious each and every day is. We should not miss every opportunity to reach out to friends and family members. We have plans mapped out in our heads how things in our life will turn out but we must remember God is the architect. And he doesn't make mistakes.

Today Pastor's sermon was on no weapons formed against us shall prosper. Here are my notes. Be blessed.
Rev. T. Isaiah 54 16-17 (verse 17)
when u said for God I live and for God I die, u become a target for the devil. A weapon is formed against. He comes to consume and stop us in our tracks from serving God. But the Bible says no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We must praise God when eveything else says otherwise. Think of all the changes we have put God thru and in spite of it all, God loves us. God is in contol of every situation regardless of the outlook. Don't deal with the weapon. God has shown us mercy and grace and saved us over and over again from destruction. Don't focus on the battle but focus on the benefits. God has the last word over everything. If God said it then it will be done. We have to take God at his word. God has a plan. God knows how to work his plan. We just need to trust him to destroy the wea
pons in our lives.

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