Wednesday, September 7, 2011

labor day

The day is labor day. Usually on labor day or some time during the labor day holiday I will cookout on the grill. This year I made no plans to do anything. I decided that I would make no plans and just rest. I woke up around 6 but went back to sleep. Did not get up until around 830. Got me a bowl of cereal I watched television. Got up and did my house work and then went over to dads house. He was just about finished runnin the lawn mower mower over his yard getting leaves up. We set out on the patio and there was such a nice breeze. A friend of dads named john came by and pick up the wood dad had cut up for his fireplace. We decided to come on home even though the breeze felt nice. Watched TV and relaxed. Went back over to my daddy's house and took Him dinner. Still had barbeque and potato salad and deviled eggs left over. Dad and I watched television steve sat on the patio. Dad keeps it a little too warm in the house for steve. He finally came. We watched the mini marathon on TV of a show called Lizzard Lick. It is a show about repo guys. It is a crazy show we sat watched it until 930. Then we will came home I watched a little tv went to bed. The end.

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