Thursday, September 15, 2011


Went to work. An ordinary day. Steve and I went to the revival service at my church. A Reverend Marcus Martin. Excellent speaker. Here are my notes from his sermon.

Rev. Marcus Martin--Matthew 4--"Shifting For Success "
God is the same yesterday today and forevermore but God does not want us to be the same. He want us to change......shift. If u r going to shift for success u have to do it with Jesus. When u shift for success with the Saviour u r going to run into problems. The problems will keep u from where u need to be. The storms are not negatives but signals of positvity. The storms are indications u r on the right track and u r going where God wants u to go. And with God u will make it thru thE storms. God will use u to bless someone else. He has brought us thru this far so we can tell others how we made it thru the storm.

Went to dad's. Put his drops in and then left. Got home. Put my PJ's on. Have to be at work at 6:30.

Aaaaah! It is too early and too dark at 6:00 in the morning. Did my eight hours and got off at 3:30. Went home and rested for a bit. Picked Dad up at five and the three of us went to see Aunt Mary in the rehab center. Uncle Doc was leaving when we got there to go home and rest a bit. Tyrone was in there with Aunt Mary. We visited up until after seven. Stopped at Arby's and picked up something to eat. Ate when we got to dad's. Watched America's Got Talent. My favorite act won. Landau Eugene Murphy,Jr. He was a car washer from West VA. Was very happy for him. Went home and watched the finale of Big Brother. My favorite won, Rachel. YEAH!!! After all the finales, I went to bed.

Work, of course. Met Daynon at Sweet Frog for lunch. Today I had a sample of peanut butter, butter pecan and cooked n cream froze yogurt. LOVED IT! Went back to work. Left at exactly five. Picked up Steve, dad and then Babysis and went to Watkins Funeral Home to the wake for Bert Jackson. In all my life I have never seen that many people at a wake. We got there at six and there was a line of people waiting to view the body. When we left at 7:40 there was still a line. Saw a lot of people I had not seen in a while. There was so many flowers. Wayne Covil from channel six news was even there. He had interviewed Vaness, Bert's wife on TV a few days ago. Bert was known and loved by many. Took Babysis home. Took dad home. Watched TV a bit. Came home.

Be blessed. Oh yeah did you see the harvest moon. Beautiful.

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