Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Woke up to a dreary day...again. could have slept longer but my husband had the TV blasting. Went in the den where he was and we watched Fridays Y&R. Got dressed. Made the bed. We went to Walmart. Had to get a couple of things for Nicole's bridal shower gift. Stopped at Burger king first and ate breakfast. Came home and cleaned house. Took a shower and washed my hair. Pressed my clothes and then went to the shower. Had a great time. Came home and called dad. Told him we would pick him up in a hour to go to the hospital to see Twine. Twine had a few mini strokes and then a major one. His speech is a little slurred and he can't raise his right arm or move his right leg. He will be starting therapy this week. Please lift him up in prayer that the therapy will work for him. His daughter came will we were there. We stayed for about an hour then left because he looked sleepy. Left there and then we went to visit aunt Mary. Uncle Doc was there when we got there and Tyrone came before we left. She was talking up a storm. She told us that she told Uncle Doc that we were probably be showing up soon. We left there and came to Dad's. Watched Storage Wars. We love watching that show. Came home about nine thirty. Watched TV went to bed.


My choir sang at 8 and 11. Long day. Came home and changed clothes. Steve and I went to Golden Corral. Dad stayed in Montpelier for Men's day. We went to Daynon's to visit Kennedy. He was there but Lynette and Kennedy were shopping. Daynon had a football emporium going on. Football game on TV, football game on Opacity and Fantasy Football on the laptop. No wonder Lynette and Kennedy left. But they fame back. As always enjoyed my time with that sweet granddaughter of mine. I tell you she is better than pain pill I could take. Love her to death. Lynettes dad came while we were there. Stayed until 7 or so. Went to dads. Watched TV. Put his drops in and left a little after nine. Came home and watched Desperate Housewives and Pan Am. Watched some news. Went to bed.

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